Is this man any better than Iris?

Started by Maguire01, December 23, 2008, 11:27:42 PM

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Quote from: lynchbhoy on December 28, 2008, 11:14:48 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on December 28, 2008, 02:51:10 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on December 28, 2008, 01:05:44 PM
for the third time
the problem I have is not with you criticising the pope, its how you are doing it.
Thread title being the example of you 'implying' there is a lack of decency about the pope rather than setting out a sraightforward debate.
Again you seem to miss the point where the 'comments are not as yet proven to be verbatim from the pope, so b y ramming this down throats, you are akin to the gutter press that misleads people with their false allegations/incorrect 'facts'.
So unless you feel the gutter press have decorum and manners......
Of course i'm implying there's a lack of decency, or at least appropriateness, in relation to the pope's comments. I'm not going to start a discussion by sitting on the fence! I don't agree with his stance - i'm not going to apologise for that.
And these reports did not come from the 'gutter press'. The story at the start of this thread was from the BBC - i also referenced several other sources, none of which are considered gutter press.
But if you can find any reports that contradict these stories, i'd be more than happy for this thread to change direction.

Quote from: lynchbhoy on December 28, 2008, 01:05:44 PM
.....and yes, read back over your contributions to threads, you are a moany fecker - that aint name calling, thats a statement of fact, an accurate one in comparison to the 'comments' attributed to the pope !
you know what the problem is, so you can work on it!
Youre welcome !
You appear to be the one with the problem. And it isn't fact, it's your opinion. Disagreement does not necessarily mean moaning. If it did, you'd be right up there yourself.
still none of these comments actually attributed to the Pope himself, do you work for the sun or daily star ?
You've lost me now.

Niall Quinn

Yes would be my answer. On a Top Trumps-style comparison, I have his holiness as a 3-2 victor.
                                                                                                  PB XVI                      Iris Robinson                  Winner
age                                                                                                 81                                59                             PB XVI
sexual partners                                                                                  0                                 1                              PB XVI
most offensive recommendation to homosexuals                          "an ecology of man"    "psychiatric counselling"             IR
'Bigot of the Year' awards by gay rights association Stonewall                0                                 1                                   IR
Line Manager                                                                                  God                        Peter Robinson                  PB XVI
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