Where's the strangest place you have slept or woke up?

Started by The Real Laoislad, October 19, 2008, 09:11:37 PM

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Quote from: Orior on October 20, 2008, 01:24:59 PM
Quote from: leenie on October 20, 2008, 01:15:36 PM
Quote from: Onion Bag on October 20, 2008, 12:17:00 PM
At the back of the school bus one day. ended up back at ulster bus

been there, done that, bought the t.shirt

fell asleep on an ulsterbus once, woke up in and it was pitch black and the bus wasn't moving! was in a bus shed in magherfelt......... i live no one near there... apparently u were meant to change buses but no one told me!!!!!!!

Lies, damned lies. Sure wouldnt the bus driver check the bus for sleeping Leeni's before locking up?

as true s god and as i'm sitting here breathing ..... he was just outside the bus and i had to bang the window...  my head was down on the seat beside me and i was near the back! everyone had got of the bus up the town! and he gave out to me !
I'm trying to decide on a really meaningful message..


Quote from: supersarsfields on October 20, 2008, 11:40:56 AM
Quote from: FermGael on October 20, 2008, 11:12:47 AM
Remember one night a friend of mine got chucked out of Orpheus for being drunk.  He was in some shape
Well we had to bring him home but it was an awful long walk, about 10 minutes.
So we found some bins in Dudley street and left him sleeping there.  Collected him on our way home.

Personnelly have woken up in the bath and the Shankill Road.  Still have no idea how i ended up there

And from what I remember you didn't partake in the taking home of the "friend". :-X

that's right. Got a couple of ladies who said individual was friendly with, to bring said individual home.
you cannot buy friends like that!!!! :D
Wanted.  Forwards to take frees.
Not fussy.  Any sort of ability will be considered


Went to a Play once.

A great sleep from start to finish.

Thinking of going to an Opera.
MWWSI 2017


I had one or two of those "waking up in a loyalist hellhole" episodes back in the day!

Slept on the odd doorstep, the Quad in Queen's in the middle of the day, and slept on the bar in Renshaws one day!  Thankfully the staff knew me and let me sleep ;D

Tony Baloney

Quote from: Tony Baloney on October 20, 2008, 01:25:51 PM
Fell asleep on a plane still on the runway before it took off. I woke up to find us still on the runway and asked my mate when we were taking off. We had taken off, flown for about an hour and a half and just landed! My kind of trip!

Had to sleep with a few lads in a skip one night in Belfield at UCD. Eventually we could take no more and got a taxi to a B&B in Lr. Gardiner St. I'm not sure which was worse!

Remember as a fresher waking up in some dolls flat after a heavy night and when I went outside I nearly browned the bags as I realised I was in Tullycarnet. At this stage I had no idea where this was in Belfast but all the flags and murals told me it wasn't my sort of place!!! A taxi was called within about 2 seconds!
I forgot to add that I had a bit of a kip in my dinner plate at my sixth year formal! Bales of Rockwool used to be a great spot for a kip when i was working on sites as a student!

One night when we were living in Jerusalem St we came home after a night out and I noticed this bundle of rags snoring under the hedge! One of the lads from the house couldn't get into the house so bunked under the stars! Said the lock was broke but the arse had the wrong key in the lock!

Who says we're a nation of binge drinkers?! :P


Glad you changed your avatar Tony,it was putting me off my dinner
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


A mate of mine was walking home through the Holylands when he found our very own 'Topgun' lying sleeping in a pile of bin bags. He woke up briefly but wouldn't budge  :D


Conor Lenihan on live radio the morning after the FF 'think-in'.


Got a bit drunk one night in first year. Was int he halls. Was sitting chatting away in the common room. A mate of mine had locked himself out of his room so he asked me for my keys to sleep on my floor. I gave it him anyway but was so drunk that half an hour later when I arrived up to my room I realised I had no key and thought I'd lost it. So I retraced my steps, walking up and down 10 flights of stairs to try and find this key. The worst of it was that my bedroom door was actually unlocked but I didn't have the gumption to try to it. Eventually I gave it up as a bad job and went to sleep on a chair int he kitchen. Woke up the next morning and went straight to class in last night's clothes (think it was my first week which was why I went to class in such a situation).

The worst of it came a few weeks later. A friend of mine was talking to some lad in his class who said that he useta live in Ogilvie as well but told my mate that he'd had to move out as it was awful noisy and rough and that the final straw was when he went to get his breakfast one morning and there was a drunk sleeping in the kitchen!
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on October 20, 2008, 08:03:23 PM
I had one or two of those "waking up in a loyalist hellhole" episodes back in the day!

Slept on the odd doorstep, the Quad in Queen's in the middle of the day, and slept on the bar in Renshaws one day!  Thankfully the staff knew me and let me sleep ;D

I slept in all those places!!!

I fell asleep at the bar in Renshaws the Wednesday after the Armagh County final in '03 (I think, it was one of the years they beat Dromintee). One of the barmen woke me up and told me to sleep in a corner!!

One of the Cross panel (a sub who shall remain nameless) left my hand in a pint of water..........


Bought a 1/2 bottle of Southern Comfort once and sneaked it into a disco when about 17.  Poured it into a pint glass and someone bet me a £1 I couldn't drink it in 1 go.  Needless to say I could.  Was grand for about 5 minutes then decided to go outside for some fresh air.  My next memory is waking up the next morning in someones coal shed.  Got in serious sh1t for that, it was in the middle of the troubles and my da was up 1/2 the night looking for me.
There are no proofs, only opinions.

The Gs Man

Woke up in an alleyway in Glasgow at about 5am after drinking more than a dozen aftershocks in a half hour.  Waved down a taxi and asked him to take me to the Central Hotel.  He drove 20 yards and dropped me off at the hotel.  Charged me as well.
Keep 'er lit