Leinster SFC 2008 - Is it the most open in years??

Started by Louth Exile, April 27, 2008, 09:22:17 PM

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Quote from: Shamrock Shore on May 01, 2008, 01:36:50 PM
The great news for the neutrals is that the Longford v Westmeath game is live on the telly.

Unfortunately RTE2 is unavailable in France so BillysBoots will have to rely on Shamrock-text. He'll get the result when I'm finished with the Samaratans.

What's the weather like in Malawi this time of year? :)
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dsfm- griffin won't be starting-because he won't be back for a few weeks yet-more's the pity..
Cullen will be at number 6-that's been decided by the managment, unless they decide to u-turn in the next few weeks, but caffrey wants cullen at 6.
brennan won't be selected to start unfortunately. cahill obviously will be at 5.
On the basis that b brogan and connolly and flynn are unavailable up front. Quinn will probably start with bonner on the basis of experience.
Dublin are vunerable against Louth- no question. I think any Dublin supporter who knows his stuff knows it. Bernard Brogan has been our best forward this year and Whelan is a talismanic prescene in the championship, don't underestimate their loss.
But Louth will have to bring the form of 2 years ago.


Indiana - I feel that if Shocko hadn't been injured and had been playing most games he would be starting but I think it will depend on how fit Griffen is when he comes back and if fully fit I feel he will start...
You might be right about Cullen but I hope not...think he is just a little too loose and far better with more freedom..
If Louth were playing well and winning games and full of confidence from Div 3 but they only won 3 games and with Dublin remembering the scare from last year and with guys trying to ensure their place with teh suspended players to come back will be fully up for it...


I can't see the louth thing either based on current form, but we've always had problems with them over the years and first day out they'll fancy a good cut at it. I'd be more worried if i was meath, wexford are bloody good, . If Shocko is fit he'll probably play but don't rule out Casey at 4, he's never not started championship under caffrey. :'( :'( :'(


I think Cahill at 4 and Casey at 5 would be more likely. But it could be Shaughnessy at 4 and Cahill at 5. Shocko unfortunately is a little injury prone, so a lot will depend on his being 100%.

Even if Griffin comes back in 100% top shape (which would be unlikely) there is no way he'll start v Louth. Pillar would not want to send a message that you can swanny off for 6 months and walk striaght back into the team. But Griff will be back in the starting line-up for either the Leinster final or our first game in the qualifiers.

There's no way I'd have both Quinn and Vaughan in the starting line-up. Two lads who can't win their own ball is too many (add in Jason as well, and having the 3 of them would make things far too light). Its Quinn OR Vaughan - not both, in my opinion. Mossy could be a very useful second half sub though when the game becomes loose and he gets more time to use his footballing skills.


barry won't be at 4 anyway. i'm telling you don't rule out casey if shocko isn't fit and griffin won't start either, not  ahope. agreed on the rest.

Louth Exile

Quote from: Louth Exile on April 28, 2008, 02:01:29 PM
I had a quick look at the draw, Westmeath v Wexford final for a small outside bet

I am sorry that I didn't get a few quid on this now  :(

With Meath, Kildare and the Biffs all going out in their first games it has been open enough so far, Laois were poor and even Wicklow won a game!
Wexford made the final for the first time since 1956, if Westmeath go on to beat the Dubs then it will have been the most open in years.
Having said this, if the Dubs steam roll both Iarmhi and Wexford then it will have all counted for nothing!
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