Scotland to recieve fresh beaver injection.

Started by Puckoon, May 26, 2008, 03:51:52 PM

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Just what they need.

Beaver set for comebackBeaver set for comeback
The European beaver is to be reintroduced to the wild in the UK, Scottish environment minister Mike Russell has announced.

He has given the go-ahead for up to four beaver families to be released in Knapdale, Argyll, on a trial basis in spring 2009.

The beaver was hunted to extinction in this country in the 16th century for its fur.

Mr Russell said: "I am delighted that this wonderful species will be making a comeback.

"They are charismatic, resourceful little mammals and I fully expect their reappearance in Knapdale to draw tourists from around the British Isles - and even further afield."

Other parts of Europe, with a similar landscape to Scotland, have reintroduced beavers with positive ecological benefits, he added.

The trial will be run by the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland over the next five years, with Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) to monitor the progress.

The beavers will be captured in Norway later this year and released into the wild next spring.

"I very much hope to see them flourish in the woods of Knapdale and lay the foundation for a wider reintroduction in other parts of Scotland," Mr Russell added.

Professor Colin Galbraith, Director of Policy and Advice for SNH welcomed the decision, saying: "For the first time we will have the opportunity to see how beavers fit into the Scottish countryside in a planned and managed trial."


will the beavers get wet as it rains a lot in scotland ?
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


I'm very pissed off with you at this stage Puckoon >:( That's twice you have done this to me in a week. Just you wait til Ziggy gets here >:( >:( >:( :D


I think I heard a thump there zap - ziggy fell off the chair again!


The locals will be wearing fine warm hats by this time next year.
"Mr Treehorn treats objects like women man."
