The Masons - a brief history.

Started by Gaoth Dobhair Abu, April 11, 2008, 01:55:28 PM

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Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Just as a general interest topic, I found this link to an interesting article about the Freemasons.
Haven't fully read it or digested its points but feel free to discuss:


I would know a couple of masons from home that live in and around Green Bay. The masons are an elitist organization and one of them waxes lyrical about them and talks about the good they do, he spoke of the chariatable efforts and that some of the big guns in town are members without naming names. This clown told me that the masons expects it members to live life in a respectful and honest manner and as I had a few drinks on me I asked the fcuker if by honest he meant he himself flying over to London once every three months to make sure that he was still getting his dole money even though he was a shunter of trailers over here? it didnt go down too well and he called me a couple of choice names and effed me off, I simply said that if he was a typical mason member they could shove it up their collective arses!

An elitest organization that is as shallow and underhand as it is shady. The masons are not much of anything anymore.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.

Boolerhead Mel


Who wrote that the Jackboot Legion of the Catholic Church?

I could name you just as many Freemasons who done much to end imperialism and slavery throughout the world e.g. Google Jose San Martin, Bernardo O'Higgins or Simon Bolivar who used the secretive and brotherly aspect of Freemasonry to assist their campaigns against the Spanish in much the same way as the United Irishmen tried and failed – arguably because the Catholic Church done much to persuade the masses of the ungodliness of such secretive brotherhoods.