Israeli soldiers force Palestinian families to demolish their own homes

Started by seafoid, June 06, 2012, 05:37:18 PM

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Shalom everyone

The Israeli authorities Tuesday forced four Palestinian families to demolish with their own hands their homes in Wadi al-Maleh area in the northern part of the occupied Jordan Valley as a prelude to evacuate the area from its Palestinian residents, according to a local activist.

Aref Daraghme, head of Wadi al-Maleh village council, said the Israeli authorities gave the families, which live in one area of the village, 24 hours to leave their homes and move somewhere else.

However, Israeli army units arrived at the area before the expiry of the warning period and forced the families to demolish their homes with their own hands.

He said the Israeli authorities had previously demolished a large number of Palestinian houses in the same area and prevented residents from working on their land. All of this is done for the benefit of illegal settlements in the Jordan valley, he said.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military Tuesday ordered a large number of Palestinian families to leave their homes in the Jordan Valley for a couple of days as the army prepares to carry out military maneuvers in the area.



they be handy in an odd squatter situation with travellers that occurs on and off over here!! they get you shifted pronto.
seriously though the situation over there is so confusing!! they talk about protecting Israeli and putting up buffer zones but proceed to expand into areas which they clearly don't have  aright to. might is right seem to be their motto, abit like America really who eliminated native Americans for land, gold and greed under the pretense of progress for a civil white society!!
like over here and many parts of the world religion seems to cause so much strive!!

give her dixie

Quote from: Wildweasel74 on June 06, 2012, 06:14:14 PM
they be handy in an odd squatter situation with travellers that occurs on and off over here!! they get you shifted pronto.
seriously though the situation over there is so confusing!! they talk about protecting Israeli and putting up buffer zones but proceed to expand into areas which they clearly don't have  aright to. might is right seem to be their motto, abit like America really who eliminated native Americans for land, gold and greed under the pretense of progress for a civil white society!!
like over here and many parts of the world religion seems to cause so much strive!!

You hit the nail on the head
next stop, September 10, for number 4......

give her dixie

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the construction of 300 new homes at the Jewish settlement of Beit El in the West Bank.

The announcement came hours after Israel's parliament rejected a bill to legalise settlement outposts.

Mr Netanyahu, who opposed the bill, said he would honour a Supreme Court order to demolish homes on private Palestinian land at the Ulpana outpost.

The issue has been a source of tension between settlers and the government.

All settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.

The settler outposts are also illegal under Israeli law and the government agreed to remove them under the 2003 Road Map peace plan.

Reacting to Mr Netanyahu's announcement, a US spokesman said that "continued Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank undermines peace efforts and contradicts Israeli commitments and obligations".

"Our position on settlements remains unchanged. We do not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity," State Department spokesman Mark Toner said.

Buildings transferred
Last year, the Israeli government committed to remove all or part of six illegal outposts following a Supreme Court ruling.

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Start Quote

I am obligated to preserve the law and preserve the settlements, and I say here that there is no contradiction between the two"

Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister
Five buildings which are home to 30 families at Ulpana, also known as Jabal Artis or Pisgat Yaakov, were built entirely on private Palestinian land, the court found.

Before Wednesday's vote in the Knesset, Mr Netanyahu had warned that he would sack anyone in his government who supported the bill to bypass the court ruling and, in effect, legalise the buildings at Ulpana, because it would have prompted international criticism.

Ahead of the vote, hundreds of settlers marched on the Knesset, insisting on their right to live on what they said was historically Jewish land.

Ulpana is part of the bigger settlement of Beit El, which is built on land captured by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war. Palestinians say it should be part of their future state.

Hours after the legalisation of outposts was rejected, Mr Netanyahu sought to placate settlers and right-wing critics in his own Likud party by ordering the transfer of the buildings at Ulpana to a nearby former army base in another part of Beit El and the construction next to them of 300 new housing units, reports the BBC Wyre Davies in Jerusalem.

"Israel is a democracy that observes the law, and as prime minister I am obligated to preserve the law and preserve the settlements, and I say here that there is no contradiction between the two," Mr Netanyahu said.

"This formula strengthens settlements," he added. "The court ruled what it did, and we respect its decision. In parallel, Beit El will be expanded."

Mr Netanyahu's decision will infuriate Palestinians and pro-peace groups who say the Israeli government is expanding the settlements at the expense of a peace deal with the Palestinians, our correspondent adds.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......

give her dixie

Israel enacts law allowing authorities to detain illegal migrants for up to 3 years
Until now, migrants caught by IDF have been transferred to the Saharonim detention facility in the south; Interior Minister says migrants do not recognize that Israel 'belongs to the white man.'

Campaigners angry at human rights abuses against the Palestinian people – symbolised by Israel's policy of demolishing the homes of Palestinians and allowing Israeli settlers to take over their land – are demanding a boycott of Israeli venues in a campaign that echoes the 1980s protests against South Africa and the infamous venue Sun City

Some 1,000 protesters rallied in Tel Aviv's Hatikva neighborhood on Wednesday and called for the ousting of African asylum seekers from Israel.

The crowd cried "The people want the Sudanese deported" and "Infiltrators get out of our home."

Likud MK Miri Regev participated in the protest and said that "the Sudanese were a cancer in our body.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Israel's Defense Ministry announced Thursday that it will erect between 20,000-25,000 tents for African migrants at various detention centers by the end of the year.

According to an official statement, the Defense Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces will build the tent cities in five different detention centers within a matter of months. Once built, the centers will be run by the Israel Prison Service.

Three of those detention centers will be built near the Ketziot prison in the near future, and will be connected to water, electric and sewage infrastructures which the Defense Ministry have been building over the last several weeks.

The objective of the plan, according to the ministry, is to ensure that all African migrants who enter Israel will be directly transferred to a detention center where they will stay for long periods of time, in order to prevent their entry to Israeli cities.

Sukkot is a seven-day Jewish festival, which begins on the fifth day following Yom Kippur. It marks the harvest, and commemorates the forty years of exile the Jews had after escaping from Egypt. There are several different names for the holiday. It can be called the Day of Booths, or the Feast of the Tabernacles.
The meaning of a booth is tied to the definition of sukkot. Essentially a sukkah is a temporary structure for housing. These structures are meant to be symbolic of the temporary huts the Israelites lived in while in exile.

Jews are commanded to spend as much time in their sukkahs as possible. They may effectively live in their sukkah during the holiday — meaning eat, sleep and just hang out — or they may only eat their meals there and otherwise live in their homes.