Ban Irish players for life from the GAA that play Australian Rules

Started by Stay goalside of your man, July 27, 2007, 12:22:05 PM

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Lone Shark

But it's not the local clubs that people play for that get all the headlines or all the coverage. Local clubs might still be the grassroots, much like the junior soccer clubs or AIL rugby clubs are the grassroots of those sports here, but those competitions will always be subservient to the bigger leagues further up the food chain. Not what we want here I'm guessing.


I think the draft system in Aussie Rules is very good- they at least try and keep things competitive. Buying in Irish guys gets around this. The fact that some of them are successful keeps them coming back. You'd have to be in oz to realise how big a star Tadgh Kennelly is. they keep coming back to try and find another one - and they have martin clarke.