GPA are a Divisive Organisation

Started by Seany, October 26, 2007, 01:47:26 PM

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The GPA look upon themselves as the elite in the GAA. Take McGeeney and the McNultys they left their own club for pure financial gain . It's all us us us with the GPA. Enda's comments in the Irish News showed what a bollocks he is . Let them strike if thats what they want. I don't know of any county player dragged kicking and screaming to play for their county. Get to fcuk on with it or get to fcuk out.


I haven't involved myself in the numerous discussions about the GPA on here before, largely because I'm not sure where I stand on them myself but I can't really understand the aggressively anti-GPA stance of many posters.
                   I wouldn't have an indepth knowledge of what the GPA have achieved but an outside organisation pushing the players agenda can only be a good thing IMO. As DFS1 points out many of the initiatives introduced by the GAA have come from(in part at least) GPA pressure. I think everybody accepts that professionalism is a non-runner so what harm if there is an organisation there helping players make a few bob out of commercial deals off the field?


Darbyo  ...the few bob you refer to is made on the backs fo the club people to work week in week out for nothing. I don't want to repeat myself but if your not happy with just playing for your county stay at f**king home . Someone will gladly take your place.
The top people in the GPA ARE DOING JUST FINE THANK YOU. I don't care if my county has to put out a weakened team i'll be there.


Quote from: theskull1 on October 26, 2007, 05:21:10 PM
Quote from: DUBSFORSAM1 on October 26, 2007, 04:52:19 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on October 26, 2007, 04:03:46 PM
What is your point?

My point is that in the GAA there was no urgency or seeming rush to look after players - hey presto the GPA starts and puts pressure on and suddenly there is a Player Welfare Officer and things start improving.......if that is so how are the divisive?

That may be the case, so fair play to youse. So now that you have achieved what you were after, should youse not just disband? Some chance  :-\

If you expect people have been fooled into thinking that the GPA don't have ulterior motives for existing, then you're either as thick as pig shit or you think the rest of are.

Astis - no doubt you don't know a single club person who is getting any cash......or any club getting cash out of the income from county games etc.....and you think that no players should get any return at all from anything....

TheSkull1 - Sorry just cause you don't like my viewpoint there is no need to resort to abuse or vulgar language....If you have read my posts you will see I am not a GPA member at all...

But hey you just abuse someone for having a different point of view and just automatically know what they think or want when they have categorically have denied that claim....


Quote from: DUBSFORSAM1 on October 26, 2007, 07:45:20 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on October 26, 2007, 05:21:10 PM

That may be the case, so fair play to youse. So now that you have achieved what you were after, should youse not just disband? Some chance  :-\

If you expect people have been fooled into thinking that the GPA don't have ulterior motives for existing, then you're either as thick as pig shit or you think the rest of are.

Astis - no doubt you don't know a single club person who is getting any cash......or any club getting cash out of the income from county games etc.....and you think that no players should get any return at all from anything....

TheSkull1 - Sorry just cause you don't like my viewpoint there is no need to resort to abuse or vulgar language....If you have read my posts you will see I am not a GPA member at all...

But hey you just abuse someone for having a different point of view and just automatically know what they think or want when they have categorically have denied that claim....

Ah the thin edge of wedge argument again. Two wrongs doesn't make it right dfs1

Just for clarity...could you tell me exactly who I am abusing?
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


QuoteDarbyo  ...the few bob you refer to is made on the backs fo the club people to work week in week out for nothing. I don't want to repeat myself but if your not happy with just playing for your county stay at f**king home . Someone will gladly take your place.

Couldn't agree with that, are all professional sports people making money off the backs of the people who volunteered for their local boxing, athletics, soccer, rugby club etc.? IMO no. Their making money primarily off the backs of  their own talent and dedication. As for lads taking their place, how long would it be before those same lads were looking to take advantage of any commercial bonuses that might come their way?


Nobody has yet to articulate what the problem is with a body representing players from outside the GAA organisation. Bensar you make some very valid points but I'm not sure what your point is when you say....

QuoteLet me also add that ticket sellers, myself included, spent countless nights on the road in the middle of winter selling tickets all around the county and beyond for NO incentive whatsoever. This will be repeated up and down the land by many individuals and clubs.

Many people do this in many sports including inter-county players, is it such a terrible thing if your fellow ticket seller(the inter-county player) was getting money from the local radio statiion for promoting that station or getting royalties from sony for allowing his name to be used on their game?


The point i was trying to make, and yes you are correct that it happens in many other sports, that people are prepared to safrice their own time etc for the benefit of the club, organisation, call it what you will for no renumeration.


I agree, people are willing to give their time for free to help their club/school/college/county gain success or just remain in existence. I'm one of those people as are you, but the inter-county player is helping all those teams all over his county by virtue of his profile (at least in the successful counties). I don't want to see him get paid for representing his county but if the GPA help him make money off the field where is the harm?


Fair points all, but not every inter-county player is playing with Armagh. One of my housemates is an inter-county player and I'm good friends with an inter-county trainer and they only recently got their expenses for last year. I can also assure you that they are putting in far more than they are getting out, regardless of the level of expenses.
                        No argument is black and white but to me it appears that some on this board try to make this one to be so. The GPA have a role to play in the future of the GAA, a positive one IMO, and shouldn't be dismissed as money grabbing agitators as some around here would suggest


Bensars - Maybe you should try reading the GPA website as there is nothing I have written or said that isn't easily available there.....if you think I am a member of hte GPA cause I can read and access a website then I apologies.....


No doubt there will be uproar about the GAA being in talks with the GPA and the Govt about the dispersal of the grants (as seemingly the GAA could never be involved!!!!)
