US and UK to arm Al Qaeda in Syria

Started by give her dixie, June 14, 2013, 11:05:52 AM

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Quote from: LeoMc on June 18, 2013, 11:51:41 AM
Or maybe the warped logic is if Sunni is fighting Shia they no longer have the time or inclination to attack the west providing it is only Western arms and not western Soldiers on the ground in Syria.

Surely it is better for the west for these factions to be at war with each other as opposed to being united and then being anti west. They would then have their oil dollar and be united against a common 'perceived' enemy.

Divide and rule if not conquer these days no?


Here is Sunni vs Shia vs Christian in the Middle East

The judge on the right of the panel  is Shia, the women beside him is christian, the 2 beside her are Sunni and the singer is Sunni


I see the Syrian rebels beheaded a Syrian catholic priest as men and children took pictures and cheered.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Quote from: give her dixie on June 14, 2013, 11:05:52 AM
So, based on another "Weapons of mass destruction lie", the USA are going to arm the rebels in Syria, just like their lapdogs the UK have agreed to do. How many people died "fighting Al Qaeda" over the past decade? And now the same Governments are backing them?

This arming of the rebels will result in one thing. Further loss of life. Nothing more, as Assad will still cling to power, and he has the backing of Russia and Iran to name but 2. Very messy times ahead.

It is always interesting to look back and see who was "right" and "wrong". The US deliberately destabilized a (prior to this) very stable country. To what end ? 

Assad is no saint but, clearly things would have been better if the status quo had been maintained. Even some of the Syrian "rebels" agree with this point.

GHD called it right, as usual.


US-led coalition strikes 'kill 56 civilians in Syria'

At least 56 civilians, including 11 children, were killed Tuesday in dawn raids by the US-led coalition outside a Syrian village held by the Islamic State group, a monitor said.

Dozens more civilians were injured in the strikes, including some who were in serious condition, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

"Residents were fleeing the village of Al-Tukhar in Aleppo province when the strikes hit," said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

He said the strikes appeared to have been carried out in error, with the civilians being mistaken for IS fighters.

The Observatory -- which relies on a network of sources inside Syria for its information -- says it determines what planes carried out raids according to their type, location, flight patterns and the munitions involved.

Asked about the incident, the coalition had no immediate comment but said it was looking into the reports.

Al-Tukhar lies 14 kilometres (nine miles) north of the town of Manbij, a key stronghold of IS in Aleppo province.

The Syrian Democratic Forces, an alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters that is backed by the coalition, broke into the western districts of Manbij in late June.

But their advance has been slowed in the past month because of landmines planted by the jihadists, who have also launched suicide attacks against the SDF.

The Observatory on Monday had reported at least 21 civilians dead in US-led coalition strikes on Al-Tukhar and Manbij.

Syria's war has killed more than 280,000 people and displaced millions since it started in 2011 with the brutal repression of anti-government protests.


It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Quote from: thejuice on July 20, 2016, 04:19:29 PM
Interesting look at the "US backed" failed coup in Turkey and the resulting geopolitical moves in the region.

That was a very good read, I had been kind of confused at Russia and Iran backing the Turkish administration that was providing support to ISIS and the ironically named moderates.