Stamp out Sectarianism

Started by Feckitt, May 13, 2013, 02:14:22 PM

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If you were any use you'd be playing.

Mike Sheehy

Quote from: Jinxy on February 12, 2015, 04:54:20 PM
Here's the match report from the Chronicle which describes the incident.
"That Wicklow only scored another two points for the remainder was a reflection on how they lost their concentration -on and off the pitch as they whinged at the referee,the Meath officials and Meath players for the majority of the remainder."
a very unbiased match report  ;D


If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: Main Street on February 12, 2015, 04:36:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on February 12, 2015, 10:22:37 AM
Quote from: Jinxy on February 12, 2015, 09:31:58 AM
Quote from: hardstation on February 11, 2015, 10:14:46 PM
Sorry for interrupting the craic...

Quote from: Jinxy on February 10, 2015, 03:44:39 PM
It'll be interesting to see how this pans out.
It should be noted that the word 'kn**ker' is used relatively frequently (at least it was when I was playing) to denote someone who is acting the maggot.
Although it is wrong to call someone a kn**ker at any time, surely you recognise that calling this fella a kn**ker as well as a t**ker or telling him to go back to the campfire is a totally different ball game?

It's wrong to call anyone that.
My point is how do we know the comments were specifically aimed at him as a traveller.
Like I said, I've heard those phrases used a lot on the field, and to my knowledge they were never directed at a member of the travelling community.
A team-mate of mine was called a 'black pig' by an opponent once.
He wasn't black and he wasn't even in the guards.
Now if that comment was to be addressed to a young lad of African descent everyone would rightly go mental.
There are two questions here.
a) Did one or more Meath players make the comments they are alleged to have made
b) Did they know he was a traveller
If the answer to both questions is yes then I hope they get suspended for a long, long time.

Have you been using Luis Suarez' defence lawyer? :)

I know what you're saying. People are always being called a 'tr**p', 'kn**ker' or 't**ker', even on these pages and while it's obviously not pleasant, it is not implying that the recipient is a Traveller. What it is obviously implying though is that being a Traveller is something bad.

Now, if those comments were aimed at an actual Traveller, then of course it takes on a more serious meaning.
The alleged comments were aimed at an actual traveller.
Perhaps you meant to write when instead of if.
The other issue is, did the abuser know he was abusing a traveller?
Perhaps the Meath player/s in question abused other players on the wicklow team using similar terms of abuse, even so it would just be marginally less of a crime than targeting a specific traveller. ATM the balance of probabilities are that he was targeted because he was a traveller.

QuoteAnd the fact that the campfire comment was used is a fairly good indication they knew this buck's background. I've heard kn**ker, tr**p and t**ker used, but I've never heard someone being told to go back to the campfire.
You move effortlessly from an if to a fact. The "if" was not an if and the "fact" was not a fact :)
There are no facts here established, we have allegations but the campfire comment may or may not be a part of the package of insults thrown at him. I don't think that  it is clear in the article, I understood that that he was just giving an example of what blatant discrimination is towards a traveller, not neccessarily what was said to him at the game.

You misunderstood my post. The initial piece was aimed at Jinxy's general point that he's heard those terms before loads of times. So have I, but if they were aimed at an actual traveller, it's way worse. In general.

The second piece you quoted is related to this incident alright, and I accept I misused the word 'fact'. I'll rephrase, 'the alleged use of go back to the campfire would be fairly good indication that they knew this bucks background'.


Quote from: Lar Naparka on February 12, 2015, 10:16:18 AM
Quote from: Rossfan on February 10, 2015, 08:11:30 PM
Ballagh is in Co Roscommon for 115 or 116 years. I'm sure the Ballagh GAA loolaws will catch up eventually.
If some Unionists have managed to move from the 17th to the mid 20th century anything is possible.
Ah FFS, will, ye ever give us a break! ;D
Six generations of baaing and bawling and ye still don't get the message. Ballagh will NOT lower its standards and consort with the commonality around them.
As Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington to you, might have put it:
"Being born in a pig sty sheep pen doesn't make one a pig sheep."
If the True Gaels of Ballagh  wished to abandon their birthright and lower their standards, the way was, is and ever shall be open to them. Amen.
That could be done at an AGM at any time but it hasn't been done and it won't be until the origins of the Cosmos has finally been unveiled.
Like Maggie Thatcher, Ballagh isn't for turning.

PS As for the Ballagh Rssies, they can f**k off at any time. The pair of them won't be missed.

Exactly Lar, regarding the AGM thing. If Ballagh wanted at any time during their time in Roscommon to join up with Roscommon GAA, you'd expect they'd have done it by now.
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