
Started by micko12368, July 14, 2013, 11:53:45 PM

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Any one experience bats lodging in their home? Came across wasps nest in the apex of of our house and last night also spotted 2 creatures flying out of the same spot around dusk. Suspicions should have been raised when i spotted a bat on gable wall during the week. Hopefully they're only in the cavity wall.

I know they are a protected species and reading websites about them can be very scary, any ideas as to how to remove them?


Not a good time to remove them, as they're breeding this time of year. They'll probably be gone in a couple of months anyway. They generally don't hibernate in houses as attics get too cold and draughty. They move in to breed due to the warmth in summer. Once they move out, then seal up whatever openings they're using to access the attic.

What scary stuff did you read? Unless its come in very recently, there's no rabies in Ireland.