And the winner of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize is......

Started by give her dixie, October 12, 2012, 12:15:35 PM

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Quote from: stew on October 12, 2012, 07:28:02 PM
Quote from: J70 on October 12, 2012, 06:53:32 PM
Quote from: stew on October 12, 2012, 06:47:39 PM
The committee has never had much credibility, remember the Obama decision, fecking joke and this latest debacle is further proof that these clowns dont know what they are doing...................... will the taliban be the next recipients??

NEVER had much credibility?

The ridiculous award to Obama discredits ALL of their decisions and recipients over the years?

Well not only Obama.

Let's look at Henry Kissinger, he won it for his sterling work on the Vietnam peace initiatives, at the same time he mastermined and oversaw the secret bombing of Laos.

Lets look at Jimmy Carter, a failed Liberal politician and one term President who was even more useless as the current dude, he won it.

Lets turn back the clock to the 40's,Cordell Hull, secretary of State won it despite denying the holocaust was happening and sent Jews back to Germany to their deaths.

Yasser Arafat.................. The man who is as responsible as much as the Israeli's are for the current state of his people/state.

Rigoberta Menchu, a Guatemalan won it for her humanitarian work in that country.............................. trouble was much of what he was said to have done was complete bullshit and the Norwegian amadans were embarrassed no end.

Al Gore, lecturer on Global warming and a passionate advocate of going green and someone who worries about ths size of our cars and our homes.......................... it was disclosed that his quarterly electricity bill at ONE of his mansions exceeded $9,000!

Hopefully this clarifies my stance, you are right though, I should not have used the word never however even one of our own, who could have used the money as he was broke, declined it because he despised why the award came about in the first place! ;)

Carter's performance as president is irrelevant. He won it for peace initiatives, whether the Camp David accords or, at the time of the award, his brave and, in retrospect, very respectable and correct opposition to the Bush administration's Iraq war buildup.

Gore won it along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Sure, its convenient to dismiss him as a hypocrite because his large home cum office has high power demands (although, according to Snopes, as usual its not quite as neat as right wing propoganda would have you believe). Just like its convenient to dismiss climate change as a hoax for political reasons that have nothing to do with science or reality (par for the course with the US right wing and science, as it happens).

Arafat won it with Peres and Rabin for the Oslo accords, which was a very, very big deal at the time after almost 50 years of conflict. That things didn't work out in the aftermath of the later Camp David talks and the second intifada does not downplay their apparent achievement at the time of the prize. Everyone hoped that things would work out at the time.

I'm not denying that there can be political reasons for awards or that sometimes less savoury aspects of people's past are overlooked in recognition of landmark achievements (Hull) or maybe the Nobel Peace committee are hoping to influence current and near future events and time an award poorly or prematurely (EU or Obama). Just saying that dismissing the awards outright because they occasionally offend your political sensibility is nonsense.

I for one love the European Union, a fantastic organisation which has brought the peoples of Europe ever closer and brought peace. Much preferable to the world domination ideals of the modern American, Chinese and Russian Empires. Give me 12 Gold Stars on a field of blue ovet the British Empire, German Reich or Soviet Union any day. Of course there are plenty of improvements required in our great Union. The decison to give the award to Obama a few years ago was pure ballbag though.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


Quote from: on October 13, 2012, 03:13:35 PM
I for one love the European Union, a fantastic organisation which has brought the peoples of Europe ever closer and brought peace. Much preferable to the world domination ideals of the modern American, Chinese and Russian Empires. Give me 12 Gold Stars on a field of blue ovet the British Empire, German Reich or Soviet Union any day. Of course there are plenty of improvements required in our great Union. The decison to give the award to Obama a few years ago was pure ballbag though.

Even Obama was embarrassed by it.


A bit disappointed in Seamus Heaney. He won it for making peace here and has done fcuk all since it. Whilst band members and supporters are beating up parishioners or the cops are being bricked in the Holylands, Heaney's just sitting up in his Bellaghy mansion drinking tea and pansying about.
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Quote from: J70 on October 13, 2012, 04:16:23 PM
Quote from: on October 13, 2012, 03:13:35 PM
I for one love the European Union, a fantastic organisation which has brought the peoples of Europe ever closer and brought peace. Much preferable to the world domination ideals of the modern American, Chinese and Russian Empires. Give me 12 Gold Stars on a field of blue ovet the British Empire, German Reich or Soviet Union any day. Of course there are plenty of improvements required in our great Union. The decison to give the award to Obama a few years ago was pure ballbag though.

Even Obama was embarrassed by it.

Not embarrassed enough to decline it however, that is what he should have done, politely declined instead of accepting something he knew he was not worthy of.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.