
Started by Olly, July 11, 2012, 10:51:45 AM

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What do people think about it?

I saw this on the Internet and it summed it up for me.


There once was a guy who called a lassie "one ugly b**tard". Right to her face.

Misogynist? A p***k? Far from it. The funny thing is, the guy was brand new. A feminist, even.

He thought, well, he didn't mind if somebody called him "one ugly b**tard". He'd just laugh it off. Most guys would, he thought. And any guy who didn't, any guy who got upset, would have the piss taken out of him even more.

So what was the difference in saying it to a woman? Why did it seem worse? His theory was thus.

All throughout history, men have imposed their values upon women using physical strength. The power gained through brute force has been used to gain power over the mind, by excluding women from education, religion, voting and so on.

After time, the values of men, written by men, distributed by men, become values for all people. What is seen to be desirable or undesirable to men become desirable or undesirable for all.

So what is a woman's worth when she is seen as worthless intellectually? How have heterosexual men judged a woman's worth if not for her mind?

For her body.

Is she beautiful? If not, she is of no worth.

And that, the guy thought, is what women have been taught to believe. After thousands of years, enduring scores of patriarchal cultures serving the base desires of men, women have taught themselves to believe that their beauty is paramount.

He thought that was wrong. He thought women should enjoy the luxury of laughing off negative remarks on their appearance, as men do, for the female of the species has a greater worth, far greater than the male.

Anyway, she got her boyfriend to put the c*nt in hospital.
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