Cruciate ligament injuries

Started by glensman-derry, July 11, 2011, 12:03:29 AM

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I've just started back training after ACL and training went fine until practice match at the end when knee jarred/went on me a bit after turning in a particularly muddy part of the field. I'm going to see physio again this week for advice on what exercises i need to focus on but anything I can do in the meantime ?

North Longford

Midman, hard to advise on something like this without actually seeing the knee. Certainly if there was any swelling you need to deal with this with ice and compression etc..the usual regime. The Physio assessment will be important. It would appear that your knee was not quite ready for strain you put it under. How long since the actual operation and are you happy that you have done the rehab prescribed. That would include a lot of straight line running graduating to gentle cornering and making these progressively sharper over time. Jump and landing drills, out and back drills etc. Basically the simple premise of proper rehab would be exercises to strengthen the appropriate muscles and then drills to replicate anything you would do in a game situation. Once you can do drills at full speed you are ready for game situation. Very simplified but that's the way it should be in general. Also worth noting that strengthening appropriate muscles includes an awful lot more than the quads.


It is feared that Limerick's John Galvin suffered another cruciate ligament injury during the Allianz Football League match against Fermanagh at the weekend.

The midfielder had only just returned to action following his previous cruciate injury and will undergo a scan with some fearing his career may be at an end.

Manager Maurice Horan told The Daily Star: "Last time he did it, we didn't think it was as serious as it was."

Horan continued: "This time, it looks like the cruciate ligament, so hopefully we are wrong again and it turns out to be less serious.

"He was in shock after it happened because it took a while to sink in.

"It's terrible for John because he was so single-minded in his rehabilitation over the past twelve months. It was very impressive to watch."