Stopping smoking.Help!!

Started by redhugh, September 15, 2009, 10:41:19 AM

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 Well lads - so far so good. The start of day 2 aff the fegs and I have'nt hit a soul. Last night chez hugh became a smoke free zone, ashtrays,lighters and all acoutrements into the bin an' all. The hardest part of the day was the bedtime mug of tea which is always accompanied by a bine- suffice to say the hob nobs took some hammering!Thanks for all the help.


Take her handy on the hob nobs, you'll balloon if u start replacing fags for food. Best of luck, you've made a good start, keep us updated
Excuse me for talking while you're trying to interrupt me

The Blegard

Quote from: redhugh on September 16, 2009, 10:21:37 AM
Well lads - so far so good. The start of day 2 aff the fegs and I have'nt hit a soul. Last night chez hugh became a smoke free zone, ashtrays,lighters and all acoutrements into the bin an' all. The hardest part of the day was the bedtime mug of tea which is always accompanied by a bine- suffice to say the hob nobs took some hammering!Thanks for all the help.
IT can be done. You have to get to the stage where you are sick of smoking and believe that you will only be better for stopping. I have just quit again 3 weeks ago. First week was tough but I did wind down on Smoking. I did have Ramadam on my side so it was difficult to smoke during the day where I live. The 2nd week you will feel like a new man as you get so much oxygen back in the blood. The rest is just habit after that. I lived in Oz at the time and the savings of a pack a day then was a return ticket home every year so a no brainer

Word of warning

I gave up for 4 years before and was away with it. people smoking did not bother me in the slightest.
I made the big mistake of having a few drags at a wedding. No problem. Then a few weeks later I bought some cafe Cremes to bring to another wedding. Then the small Cigars went with every big drinking event, then lunchtime every Friday at work and then I'm chain smoking small cigars full time so for health reasons went back on the Bensons. When you start smoking again the habit is worse. Don't fall for that trap as the only reason we smoked is because we loved to.
Ceol,Dole agus Ol

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: redhugh on September 16, 2009, 10:21:37 AM
Well lads - so far so good. The start of day 2 aff the fegs and I have'nt hit a soul. Last night chez hugh became a smoke free zone, ashtrays,lighters and all acoutrements into the bin an' all. The hardest part of the day was the bedtime mug of tea which is always accompanied by a bine- suffice to say the hob nobs took some hammering!Thanks for all the help.

Glad to hear it redhugh.

As others have touched upon, one trap to avoid at all costs is after having stayed off them for what you will feel to have been an eternity, and after which time you tell yourself that you're well and truly a 'non-smoker' now, you reward yourself with an oul drag or two, which couldn't possibly do any harm since you're a 'non-smoker' now.

Don't believe it for a second. Was at that craic myself fadó, and whereupon I restricted myself subsequently to having a ciggie, then a cigar or two, three, etc., (inhaled to my toes) only when I had a drink. Nearly did my liver in, eventually.

Just remember that whatever road you've travelled to stay off them, it'll only have to be travelled again, and it's not an easy one.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


Day 3 not going great. I foolishly started the day by accidently listening to that wankpot Nolan.... he was on for about 10 mins before I realised what was annoying me so much (appart from nicotine withdrawl) and turned over to Today fm . Thank God for Ray D'arcy, so much easier on the head than the fattest cnut in the country. Feel a bit better for a wee rant.

guy crouchback

today is one of the big days to get through. after 3 days they say you are over the physical addition all the nicotine will have left your system by the end of today.

stick at it


In your Endo!


Anyone off the bines for the new year? Im a moderate smoker (5 or so a day) but wanna get off them for going back to football! Hardly much wrong with taking a few a day??

Onion Bag

I did smoke 5-10 per day and gave that up after my daughter was born last August, but whenever i am out or know i am going out i always buy a packet and smkoe the brains of myself when having a drink. a stupid habit that i want to knock on the head. i havent had a fag since NYE but then again i havent been out since, if i could breka that habit im clear, during normal day to day it doesnt bother me at all
Hats, Flags and Head Bands!

Radda bout yeee

I'm giving it a go - don't smoke many wouldn't really think about them all the time but i got into a bad habit of smoking when driving. So driving and when i'm drinking are my two hardest times.
Also oddly i used to like a fag before playing football and after playing football!  :-\