Waterford Whispers News

Started by AZOffaly, October 18, 2012, 01:16:13 PM

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Does anybody here read this site? http://waterfordwhispersnews.com They have very funny spoof stories with a Waterford slant, a bit like the Onion. The funniest bit though, at times, is the comments section. For example, there's a story there from yesterday titled

'Phil Hogan : Waterford 'Town' Council to be Out-sourced to India'

some of the comments are :

Catherine Curran
this has to be a joke like everything else those bunch of thickos have done up to this if this true so much in for the job market in our OWN COUNTRY!

Regina O'Brien
is this as piss take or real?

Another story was : "Bank Shuts Down Bridge Access as Waterford City Goes Into Recievership"

Gerard Grace
fook the phil hogan p***k WATERFORD is a city n that p***k wont take it , as regards the banks taking homes from people well if they took mine id burn it down.

Geraldine Marks Rinaldo
what the f**k is this all about?

Geoff Ismay · Hinckley College
I knew it!!!!
Juelz Three-angels Nanna
not good

Gerard Grace
I wonder why this was not on R T E news this evening eh?

There's some other stuff there that's funny as well. There's a news ticker, and at the moment the rotation is:

TV Master-chef Admits 'Its all a load of bollocks'
Catholic Church Welcomes Savile Media Attention
Vatican: Popes Butler to be Burned at The Stake
98% of Teens who loiter around supermarkets end up working in one, finds study


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Just saw this story. I love the comment after it. Some people are gas.

Foreign Plane Crash Way More Devastating Now With British Passengers On-board
By Colm Williamson · September 28, 2012 BREAKING NEWS, WORLD NEWS ·

A FOREIGN plane crash is way more devastating now that there was British passengers on-board, it was reported today.

What would have been a simple Nepali light aircraft crash has now spiralled into a full scale air disaster following news of the seven dead tourists.

The British trekkers were believed to be travelling to the foothills of Mount Everest at the time when the aircraft developed problems immediately after take-off.

It is not known, or does it matter, how many others died in the tragedy.

A spokesperson for the British Embassy in Kathmandu confirmed the seriousness of the crash following a call from the airline company confirming there were several British passport holders recorded on-board.

"We didn't think much of the crash at first." admitted Embassy official Derek Smith.

"It was just another one of them stories you'd glance through on the news."

"Then we got the call from some squeaky brown people who worked at the airline telling us of the bad news."

Airline CEO Ching Now Zen told WWN that a fire had broken out in the aircraft within two minutes of its take off.

Rescue teams at the scene have been advised to prioritise the recovery of the UK passenger remains, as the British  media is now watching them with 'a fine tooth microscope' .

Meanwhile, streams of air-crash experts and have been flooding into 24 hour news stations across the UK to scrutinise maintenance crews the rescue efforts.

And the comment........

Eileen Roche · Subscribe · Glasgow Metropolitan College
In other words if your not white you can burn to death. Why didn't Mr Derek Smith just come right out and say that. What a bloody attitude.