New Meath manager

Started by Hardy, July 17, 2011, 10:45:05 AM

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We might as well start the discussion.

I think it's generally accepted among the supporters and even among us "faceless discussion board critics" that the Meath team is not playing with the effectiveness the individual skill levels of the players should deliver or with the spirit that we expect of Meath teams. I think this has been the case since the departure of Seán Boylan, except for a brief period under Coyle.

I'm not ready to accept that the spirit has died and cannot be recovered. I don't think there are any players in the panel that are not giving their best. Look at Joe Sheridan's obvious willingness to bust a gut in the cause; likewise Kenny, McAnarney, Reilly, etc. And I can't finger anyone for hiding or not trying. I just think their best efforts are not being properly directed and the right leadership is all that's required.

The current management hasn't the slightest clue about this, as far as can be seen. The very first requirement is absent – the players don't seem to be operating to any plan. When the fat is in the fire, it's panic stations, with everybody busting a gut but no co-ordinated effort. The carry-on when Kildare pulled ahead last night was as far removed from the Meath tradition as you could imagine. The memory of cold-blooded assassinations of Dublin, Louth, Westmeath etc., just as they thought they had the job done, was galling as we watched lads making stupid decisions and handing the initiative back to Kildare.

I don't see any sign of leadership, planning, strategy or even tactics from the current management. What is the three-year plan? What is the playing philosophy? We know neither of these exist. All we have to do is look at the eccentric selections and the pattern of play as fifteen lads play their own individual games. And why is our team not fit enough? There's no attempt to address any of this. All we get is spoofing.

For the sake of discussion, here are a few obvious candidates, to put Meath football back on the rails, all of whom have the right stuff in abundance and understand the soul of Meath football, though all have one question mark or another against their names.
O'Rourke – popular opinion says he won't do it as long as there's an O'Rourke on the panel. I think that's nonsense and that he'd respond to an appeal to be saviour of the county. That would have to come from a popular groundswell at club level, because I imagine the county board apparatchiks would rather see Radko Mladic in the job. They'd have a better chance of manipulating him.

McEntee – but would he have the time to commit? And see Radko Mladic above.

Harnan – but has he burned his bridges?

Coyle - yes, I'm serious. I thought he was heading in the right direction before the debacle of Limerick and, while I admire his honesty in taking responsibility and stepping down, I think in retrospect it was hasty and one disastrous performance is not enough to end a promising regime. We should also remember that it wasn't lack of heart that lost the game in Limerick – there was actually an eleven-point comeback in that game.

The quality of football Coyle's team was playing was the best in ages. His one blind spot, in my opinion, was a commitment to football skill that went as far as underplaying the importance of fitness and strength. (Remember his famous self-introduction to his Monaghan team – "this is a football – we'll be doing all our training with one of these".) His team wasn't fit enough or big enough and got pushed around. If Coyle's football coaching could be bolstered by a strong fitness coach, I think we'd have the best management team available. Maybe even with Seán Boylan as a "director of football" type figure? It won't happen, of course.


I completely disagree with you on this one Hardy.
I saw signs that defensively and at midfield we have definitely improved (from previous years) in the last few games.
We just need to get our forwards to work better as a unit.
This year we've introduced Lenehan, Menton and Gilsenan who all look like they have what it takes.
Lenehan was a big loss when he had to go off in the first half as he was taking the ball up the field at speed every chance he got.
Likewise Gary O'Brien.
Menton could even be a midfield option when he comes back as McAnarney has been a revelation at centre back.
They've  also moved Shane to midfield and while I'll admit that hasn't been 100% successful I think that once Shane improves his engine he can be a serious player here.
I was very impressed by Mark Ward last night, a player that used to drive me demented.
He looked to me like a lad that's had his bad habits coached out of him and been given specific instructions as to what his job is.
He also looked much fitter than last year.
John Doyle caught two balls over Brian Meades head in the first 20 minutes and the management took the necessary action by making a change.
I genuinely don't think EOB would have done so in the same scenario.
Kevin Reilly again is very solid at full back.
I'm quite optimistic for next year.
Get a bit of gym-time into Gilsenan and Lenehan and introduce maybe the likes of Mickey Newman and some others off this years u-21 team.
Bear in mind as well Hardy that Graham Reilly is definitely not right at the moment.
If we had last years Graham Reilly we probably would have won that game last night.
He'll come good though.
By all accounts the lads have trained very hard this year.
We should see the benefits of this in year two and this will give the coaching staff a lot more room to work on team play.
I genuinely feel like we're moving in the right direction and I didn't get the sense leaving Pairc Tailteann that anyone was demanding a change in management.
This is what we signed up to, so lets stick with it.

If you were any use you'd be playing.


Hardy, for one of the only times I disagree with you. I think Banty should be kept on. I can understand your arguments. however, I do not put the majority of the issues you highlight at the hands of Banty. We have more serious issues in the county, notebly our failure to put in the correct underage structures and our subsequent failure to do anything at underage level - I include this year at minor...we are still in it amazingly even though we have lost twice.

We have progressed in defence this year and regressed in attack. Midfield has improved slightly in that we have a younger combination that will hopefully improve. I think the management have done ok considering the players available.....3 wins all year is not good enough for a Meath management but I do think the performances & motivation etc has improved.

Banty has definitely made mistakes....why did he bring on Paddy O'Rourke for Kenny last night when he went off? Paddy's confidence was probably shot after lastweek and he gave the ball away very badly that lead to their lead point as far as I recall. He brought on Queeny and then replaced him later. I didnt agree with bringing in Peader Byrne against Louth as there were others on the panel all year that should have got a chance.

Regarding potential managers.....
ColmO'Rourke has said no so many times that he should be forgotton about for at least 5 years - he doesnt have a great club record anyway. Harnan - I am not sure about to be honest as I dont know the full story behind him quitting & he has had good and not so good club management performances.

McEntee - I would like to have as a manager. Dont know his time availability.
Coyle - Yes he should have stuck it longer but he was frustrated at the lack of committment and passion from the players and many of them are the same guys. I dont think he would return  but you never know.

I think Banty should look at bringing Geraghty in as a selector. Another managerial change will do us no good. We need Banty and his selectors back out at as many club games once the championships resume in the coming weeks. We need some changes at underage to get the best out of our young players & start competing at least every couple of years at the various underage competition.


Jinksy,Id have to disagree with you about Mark Ward, he gave away an awful stupid free for a lazy push on the back on the kildare corner forward, when McAnerney seemed to have him bottled up. It was at a critical point in the game when Kildare were struggling badly for points. Gary O'Brien had a lot of possession and made plenty of long forward runs along the sideline, but he didnt do much constructively with it, just kept going with the head down, got turned over 2 or 3 times and ended up over the sideline a couple of times as well.
Ive seen a good bit of meath this year and id say McAnerney at chb has been the most positive find for meath this year, ive been impressed with him since he moved there.


Quote from: ardtole on July 17, 2011, 11:34:20 AM
Jinksy,Id have to disagree with you about Mark Ward, he gave away an awful stupid free for a lazy push on the back on the kildare corner forward, when McAnerney seemed to have him bottled up. It was at a critical point in the game when Kildare were struggling badly for points. Gary O'Brien had a lot of possession and made plenty of long forward runs along the sideline, but he didnt do much constructively with it, just kept going with the head down, got turned over 2 or 3 times and ended up over the sideline a couple of times as well.
Ive seen a good bit of meath this year and id say McAnerney at chb has been the most positive find for meath this year, ive been impressed with him since he moved there.

Yeah that was a daft free but in fairness tackling corner forwards would not be his forte.
Look at it another way, last year would he have been back helping his defense at that stage of the game?
He had a good game and has definitely improved in the last year.
As for Gary O'Brien, I would blame the forwards for his turnovers more than I'd blame him.
His job is to carry the ball into the opposition half at pace.
Someone has to put their hand up to take it off him and our forward movement is generally quite poor.
We don't try to make space for each other.
Your right about McAnarney though.
He kind of reminds me of Moyles when we had him at centre back.
Strong, intelligent user of the ball and very determined.
I think we've lots to work on for next year, but I also think we've lots to work with.
I'd make GG the forwards coach for a start.
If you were any use you'd be playing.