GAA subject to bigotry from DUP

Started by pointlad, June 27, 2011, 02:36:39 PM

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Taken from HS:

Tyrone DUP MLA delights at his county's loss
27 June 2011

The DUP's Ian McCrea has come in for stinging criticism after he expressed his delight that Tyrone, which forms part of his constituency, were beaten in yesterday's Ulster SFC semi-final.

McCrea is an MLA for Mid Ulster, which includes large parts Tyrone and Derry.

In the aftermath of yesterday's game at Clones he took to twitter and posted that he was glad that Tyrone has been defeated: "Great to see Tyrone beat in the Ulster semi's today hope Donegal beat Londonderry in the final to keep the celebrations out of Mid Ulster."

That tweet drew a number of angry replies with McCrea then trying to say that he didn't want to see local GAA teams being successful, as it only led to civic receptions being paid for out of local government money, which he deemed a 'waste'.

"As thousands of pounds of public money has been wasted on receptions for Tyrone I think I have a right to express my view," said McCrea in response to those who hit out at his statement.

Total disgrace to openly post that on twitter, bigotry of the highest degree.