Big Moon Rising

Started by thejuice, March 18, 2011, 10:00:41 AM

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"Don't go 'round tonight".... cos its happening tomorrow.

The moon is expected to be at its closest to the earth in the last 20 years tomorrow.

QuoteThose who rarely look upwards will probably not notice anything particularly different about the night sky. But regular star-gazers will see that the Earth's ghostly neighbour appears slightly larger and brighter than it usually does.

That is because the moon is going to be closer to Earth tomorrow night than at any other time during the past 18 years. The more excitable of astrologers describe such an event as a "Super-Moon" and, because the moon is at the fullest part of its cycle, tomorrow's phenomenon has even been upgraded to an "extreme Super-Moon".
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


My optician informed me that I'm short sighted and that I cannot see things which are far away.

I told him I can see the moon and that's far enough for me!

But maybe the optician was right if the moon is a bit closer.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


My optician informed me that I'm long sighted and that I cannot read things which are close up.

I told him I will stand further away from it then.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.