Car tax/insurance question

Started by flantheman82, July 02, 2010, 02:22:08 PM

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If your car is not taxed it is not roadworthy, therefore your insurance is void and the cops are within their rights to do you for not having insurance as well as having no tax!

As for premiums going up well there's no real mystery. People have less money so when they are involved in an accident they tend to claim more than they did previously, which in turn puts the premiums up.

Anyone paying under £300 for their insurance should be counting themselves lucky in my opinion.

As for just using Hughes and Axa well it wouldn't just be as simple as that I would say you're better going on Gocompare to get your best price and then call around all the main Insurance companies to see how they can compete with it. You're better off with a local Broker than going online.

tyrone girl

Why are you better off with a local broker ??? There was noone going to match my £305 quid. I checked go compare, i checked the lot. Also did this for all our ones and axa online continuously came up best prices. It wasnt just a case of using either Hughes of Axa, dont patronise me please. He asked who was cheap i told him my experience!


Sorry tyrone girl I didn't mean to be patronising about it. Axa would actually technically be local as they have Axadirect offices throughout the country. What I mean is that should you have any complications it's sometimes better to be able to call into an office or have someone who's not from India on the other end of the phone.

Certainly Axa are a good company to be with but in my experience (selling car insurance every day) different people have different circumstances and if you have an at fault claim or more than 6 points Axa would probably not be the most competitive.

As you have done, checking the lot is the best thing to do and the amount of people who don't bother checking and just accept what they're told by their current insurer would stagger you. Anyone who gets their renewal notice from the Insurance Company should call up and 8 times out of 10 they will get their premium lowered.

hound of ulster

post office online best quote i could get this year


Quote from: Mac Eoghain on January 10, 2011, 12:40:36 PM
For our 6 county friends - can I ask who yis are with - best quote so far is Abbey (Prestige NIG?) - gocompare didnt come close so any other recommendations?

Axa are very good, well, certainly the best i got.


I use here in the Rapubbalick. They're an online broker and have got me the best quote for the past few years, especially when you haggle with them. I renewed last week for €341 after they had quoted €421. It took just one phone call, "alleging" I had a quote for €350 to bring them down.


Quote from: Mac Eoghain on January 10, 2011, 12:40:36 PM
For our 6 county friends - can I ask who yis are with - best quote so far is Abbey (Prestige NIG?) - gocompare didnt come close so any other recommendations?

I've been with this crowd for 2years now, last year my renewal price had risen but I called them up and after a bit of fiddling the price remained the same as the previous year with the added bonus of free breakdown & keycare cover. Rang a few other places who couldn't match this so and open & direct who also use Prestige couldn't match abbey. 


I'm with Endsleigh. Got a good deal on fully comp through gocompare.

tyrone girl

Axa online - always seem to come up cheapest with anyone im pricing for (family , bf etc). Cheaper than axa direct also for whatever reason