Prime Time - last night - Developers

Started by BerfArmagh, December 21, 2010, 12:39:13 PM

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Quote from: BerfArmagh on December 21, 2010, 12:39:13 PM
Did anyone watch prime time last night. I'd say anyone watching in the south last night got some sickner watching that. Ths guys have some neck, Yer man Gannon transferring 25+ mansions into his wifes names, fellas driving around still in helicopters to the races and Gannon again filling the bug land rover with loads of brown Thomas bags. Just like the bankers there is one rule for them, to hell with the plebs

It is the same worldwide, the haves against the have nots.

If the upper echelon keep the median masses somewhat happy they can get away with anything.
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Quote from: sammymaguire on December 22, 2010, 03:03:39 AM
Made Nama look like shite didn't it? even those bodies etc renting all those high profile buildings from that Treasury company for millions of euros per year, shocking stuff

If you can't beat them join them?

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Ash Smoker

The legal people think you can't hive away assets to a spouse like that.
The developers must still feel there is a chance they can get away with it though.

Tyrones own

When are they running a segment on the countless abuses of income support be it, life long unemployment benefit recipients,
claiming said benefits both sides of the border, DLA, Being "On the sick" for years through a trumped up doctors note to name a few
and the detrimental effect it has on the Irish economy as a whole  :o
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann

An Gaeilgoir

Quote from: Tyrones own on December 23, 2010, 02:09:34 AM
When are they running a segment on the countless abuses of income support be it, life long unemployment benefit recipients,
claiming said benefits both sides of the border, DLA, Being "On the sick" for years through a trumped up doctors note to name a few
and the detrimental effect it has on the Irish economy as a whole  :o

Would there be any figures available as to how much tax these developers paid while up and running. This was a populist nonsense programme whcih highlighted what, someone shopping in Brown Thomas driving a 06 Range Rover. It was repeated again and again that nothing illegal was done by anyone in the show. Irish begrudgery at its best, a case of looking at the "big Mickey now with the ares out of his trousers now", something us Irish are great at.


Quote from: magpie seanie on December 21, 2010, 03:08:26 PM
Quote from: Denn Forever on December 21, 2010, 12:48:00 PM
As someone texted into the show, can the law not go after the wives (into whose name properties were signed over to) like the CAB went after Gilligan's wife?
Hard to believe the best of every one after that report.

If the law currently doesn't allow them to then they could easily pass one that does. I'd expect 98% support in the Dáil and about 85% from the general public. It could be done if they had to will to go after the lads they play golf/go to the races with.

Only one man to blame on this. Lenihan the barrister.

When he passed the bank guarantee legislation he should have included two very important measures to protect the state:

1. Any financial institution required funding from the state to survive would, in advance, agree new contracts with staff to ensure refunding the state was prioritised over staff bonuses.
2. Any individual or organisation whose property became part of NAMA, or any other State institution (e.g. Anglo) could not shelter assets in a any way, (transferring to spouse etc).

If anyone thinks he was too busy or that that type of measure would be unrealistic remember that Lenihan included legislation exempting NAMA from the Freedom of Information Act.
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