Tom Elliott U-Turn on GAA matches

Started by Joxer, November 25, 2010, 03:57:47 PM

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From BBC NI:
Ulster Unionist Party leader Tom Elliott has said he has not ruled out attending a GAA game following a meeting with the Secretary of the GAA Ulster Council Danny Murphy.

The MLA had previously said he had no interest in attending gaelic games.

Mr Elliot said they discussed a range of issues including stadia funding and outreach work at Wednesday's meeting.

But the MLA said whilst he respected the sport he would not be drawn into going to a GAA match for "tokenism".

UUP general election candidate Trevor Ringland left the party in September due to Mr Elliott's position on the issue.

Speaking to the BBC on Thursday Mr Elliott appeared to do a u-turn.

"Maybe I would (go to a match), maybe I wouldn't - that has been my stance all the way through," he said.


"I've always said I would assess every invitation as it came in.

"What I've always said is it's about respect for each other, which doesn't mean I will automatically be a supporter of the GAA.

"But what I do have is a respect for the organisation and what it does and I ask for the same respect back to me."

Mr Elliott maintained that he had never ruled out going to a match but said the issue of him attending one was not raised at Wednesday's meeting.

"Mr Murphy said that was a personal choice of mine and that he would not at any stage attempt to force me to go to a match and that we would work and cooperate in any way possible.

"What we want to do is build good relationships here but that doesn't mean I will just go to a GAA match for tokenism.

"Northern Ireland is much too small to continue a conflict with each other, I think it is time we worked together."



I too would be embarassed and ashamed if I had affronted the greatest community and sporting organisation on this island as Mr Elliott had done regardless of what my political outlook was.  If it takes Danny Murphy to help mould him into a respected leader of his own people then so be it.   


It had nothing to do with Danny Murphy. I heard the interview on the radio this morning and Elliott basically tripped himself up, it sounded like a u-turn, and then denied that it was any change of position.

The Worker


Heard it myself. Didn't sound like a u-turn to me, merely a poor attempt to try and disquise his obvious contempt for a nationalist organisation. He can go to a game if he wants but he'd get no welcome from me. Tried of us having to continually try a persuade a misguided people into thinking we are actually a decent bunch. 


A U-turn that cost the UUP Trevor Ringland - wonder how the party supporters feel about their new leader?
"Some people say I am indecisive..... maybe I am, maybe I'm not".

Milltown Row2

Who cares what he thinks, the guy is a twat and should not get anymore posts on this forum
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Quote from: Franko on November 25, 2010, 04:22:17 PM
That's some bit of reversing.

People can get hurt when someone is reversing....

Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


I cant really see the problem, that tool does'nt want to go to a GAA game and we do'nt want him to go to one either! Problem sorted,let him go to Widsor park with about 500 other misguided fools and enjoy the rubbish they display there!  ;D