UUP adviser sacked over sex claims

Started by Eamonnca1, March 24, 2011, 06:28:22 PM

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Quote from: The Iceman on March 25, 2011, 06:38:06 PM
Quote from: gallsman on March 25, 2011, 06:11:45 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on March 25, 2011, 05:41:16 PM
Who said anything about brainwashing? If you can't talk civilly about it all then why bother?
The initial conversation was about "figuring out the answer" and I believe I have every right to be insulted by it. If it's not anyone's business then why share, why discuss? Don't be getting in a twist then.

Education to pass exams should not be the Church's primary mission, in fact on paper it isn't. My claim stands and is valid.

I don't give a flying f**k about Christianity.

There you go. My thoughts, my opinion. What right do you have to be insulted?

Thats not what I was insulted about Gallsman, read the posts before you throw down your handbag on the floor.
I was insulted that something as big as the "does God exist" question would be trivialized into something that could be figured out easily by a 12 year old.

And I've pointed that to me, and many others, it isn't a "big" question. There are many other big questions in my life. I gave an example of socks. Another would be to use a normal or heaped spoon of sugar in the cup of tea I just made. Infinitely more important to me than whether or not God exists. You assume that something you place so much importance on should matter equally to everybody else. According to you I trivialized a question fundamental to your beliefs. Likewise, you did the same to me by continuing to assert that this was a big decision when in reality it really wasn't. For me

Who's to say that a 12 year old isn't capable of making an informed decision. At 12 years of age, I'd gone through 8 years of school, all of them through the Catholic education system. I also had parents who raised me as a Catholic from the day I was born. I was pretty informed and perfectly capable. Another 12 years down the road and I see no reason to have acted any differently.

At what age is one qualified to make that decision in your opinion? Why not just forget about baptism and communion and confirmation and all other elements of forcing Catholicism down someone's throat from the moment they're born and then let them make an informed decision without influence?