National League History (Football & Hurling)

Started by sm_UK, February 26, 2007, 11:04:20 PM

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I'm new to the board so I apologize if someone has posted something similar previously. A few years ago I managed to print off some information on scores from all past seasons for the Senior Football and Hurling Championships from the now defunct Gaalore website.  I had intended to go back and collect as much information as possible on past National League seasons but unfortunately the website disappeared before I was ever able to add to what I already had.

  I was wondering if anyone else managed to collect any information from that site and has the information in electronic form. Even if no one has scores from past seasons it would be very helpful if anyone has kept track of which divisions counties were in. I have a list of divisions going back to the mid 1990s but only have scores from the last five years or so. If anyone has any further information they would be willing to pass on then I would be very grateful.

Mike Sheehy

Welcome to the board....I am afraid you will have to change your name.. we cannot have gaaboard promoting foreign sounding names. No doubt Sean Kelly put you up to this. Be careful of Lawnseed and his ilk will be after you.

Mike Sheehy

To answer your question, I dont know of such a source but there was a website called, I think, Gaelic gazette that may be worth a look..not sure if its still active.

I assume you have looked in all the usual sources i.e, etc