12 year old girl murdered

Started by the Deel Rover, September 01, 2010, 11:45:26 AM

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Really hits home when these things happen nationally never mind locally.

I was looking up online the other week to see what was happening regard the 1 year old as not much had been mentioned of it since, that case was truly shocking.

I know we all wonder why a girl was out at 12 and why she was allowed to, but as mentioned I don't think anybody expects anything like this to happen.  You just hope that you or your children are never the unfortunate one who happens to run into the extremely evil people in our society. 

Crimes like this live long in the memory, I remember when I was younger a friend of mine (Kieran hegarty) who was the same age as me at the time (Aged 11), was brutally tortured and murdered by a fella who was in his early 20's at the time.  The friend lived only 100 yards from me and the culprit lived another 100 yards on from his house.  I have never experienced as traumatic a time in my life since, for weeks me and others my age were afraid to sit in a room in our house on our own, never mind venture outside.  The culprit was subsequently sent to a Mental Hospital, which IMO was far too good for him and seems to be the way for most of the vermin these days.  Nobody seems to be evil anymore, they are simply sick and it seems more effort is put into having them rehabilitated than actually punishing them for their crimes (i.e. Venables and Thompson). 

Scarily enough there was another brutal murder in our area again only a few years ago (Attracta Harron), no more than a nile from the previous.  Hard to believe that lightning could strike twice. 
'To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal, light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle.'


I don't think anyone is losing focus at all. It is an appalling crime, I can't find any other words for it. Saddens me and sickens me to death.

That said - if the report is true that she told her parents she was going out on her bicycle at midnight - and that was ok'd by the parents - it strikes me as being seriously careless. Unfortunately the poor girl, and now the parents and family have paid an ultimate price for a bad parenting decision.

If that is true, it is totally relevant. Same in my opinion as a parent losing a child in a car accident because they didnt strap them in properly, or because they had an extra glass of wine at dinner. Every action has a consequence.

May the poor child RIP.


Quote from: Puckoon on September 01, 2010, 04:36:55 PM
I don't think anyone is losing focus at all. It is an appalling crime, I can't find any other words for it. Saddens me and sickens me to death.

That said - if the report is true that she told her parents she was going out on her bicycle at midnight - and that was ok'd by the parents - it strikes me as being seriously careless. Unfortunately the poor girl, and now the parents and family have paid an ultimate price for a bad parenting decision.

If that is true, it is totally relevant. Same in my opinion as a parent losing a child in a car accident because they didnt strap them in properly, or because they had an extra glass of wine at dinner. Every action has a consequence.

May the poor child RIP.

That all fine Puck but the point is that the only fact we have is that a child has been murdered and a teenager has handed himself into the Gardai relating to the murder.

Any conversation the child had with her parents or parent (i'm sure it wasn't just a case of saying i'm away out for a few minutes, I'd say the parents would have had a response to that) is something we know nothing about. We seen a vague headline and we created their lives around that and we have judged them on that life we created in our own heads.

Just to add, i seen a headline today saying 'moblie phone siezed'. I'd hope to think they didn't have to sieze her phone. I'd imagine they would have been given it if they asked for it. The next people frowned upon will be those who let their children have mobile phones.