Help Bud with technical question re You Tube & Film

Started by Bud Wiser, August 09, 2010, 08:56:24 PM

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Bud Wiser

Lads and Lassies,
If anyone can help me with this I would really appreciate it, could be worth a bag of spuds to someone.

Bud is running a gig in October. It is in a place where I installed a CCTV System and when I did it I put in a Modulator on the TV's in the bar, lounge and function room which means that I can put a CD/DVD player in the comms room, insert a CD/DVD and it willplay over all the TV's.

Now, the gig I am running is a Johnny Cash Tribute Band so what I want to do is download this :
Then I want to put in (merge) details about the venue with a few pictures and details of how to get tickets at reception, then another song and a few more details.  I was just wondering how I can do this, or can it be done or would anyone do it for me for a price.

Thanks very much.
" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"


Bud all you need is some video editing software.  I use CyberLink Powerdirector which is fairly handy to use.  Download your video from YouTube, edit the captions and add the pictures you need and burn it to DVD. Some version of Windows come with Windows Movie maker which can add your captions and photos.  It doesn't make the final dvd as far as I know but you can download some free utilities which will burn the mpeg movie maker will create to a DVD.

Cyberlink is a paid for program ($70)
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.

Bud Wiser

Thanks very much and thanks to those who PM'd me.  This is what I am going to do, I am going to spend two hours at this and if I cant get it right I will drive me boot through the computer and get someone else to do it. 

" Laois ? You can't drink pints of Guinness and talk sh*te in a pub, and play football the next day"