Miracle' hermit claims seven-decade fast

Started by Lawrence of Knockbride, May 26, 2010, 10:38:47 PM

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Lawrence of Knockbride

An octogenarian Indian hermit has claimed he has not had any food or drink for 70 years, but is still in perfect health.

82-year-old Prahlad Jani, known as Mataji (Mother Goddess), has amazed doctors and scientists after an observational study was conducted on him recently to verify his claims.

Mataji claims that the Hindu goddess of power, Amba, blessed him when he was eight years old.

He says that ever since he was blessed, he has meditated in the jungles and lived in caves of several places.

Devotees of Mataji ascribe his extraordinary powers to the divinity he imbibed from the goddess.

'My father was an ardent devotee of Mataji since long; our entire family is his devotee. When Mataji was young, goddess Amba appeared before him and touched his tongue with her finger after which he has never felt the need to either eat or drink. He has stayed and meditated for many years in forests in various parts of the country,' says Haribhai Chaudhary, a devotee.

Dressed in a red robe and sporting a nose ring, bangles and crimson flowers in his hair, Mr Jani blesses his hundreds of devotees, sitting on a swing at his residence every day.

He also wears the vermilion mark on his forehead.

His devotees also claim that due to his divine powers Mataji has treated many people of various ailments and assorted problems.

In April, doctors and scientists from the New Delhi-based Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences of India conducted various tests on him during an observational study to unravel the mystery behind his claims.

The devotees of Mataji assert that after the study, their belief in him has been supplemented further.

'Whatever research has been done on Mataji by Sterling Hospital and DIPAS has increased our belief and the devotion of the entire society has increased in him many folds,' added Haribhai Chaudhary.

Mr Jani was also kept under observation in hospital for over two weeks and a number of tests were conducted to determine how his body has endured without consuming any food or water.

Neurologist Sudhir Shah of the Sterling hospital where the study was conducted claimed that his survival and biological processes are miraculous.

'I want to tell you that we are all watching a miracle in the science, or biology so to say, because it is already 108 hours since Mataji's admission into this hospital and he has not eaten anything; he has not drunk a little drop of any kind of liquid but more importantly, he has not passed a drop of water or stool.

'That makes science a little difficult. A person can live without food and water for three or four days,' said Dr Sudhir Shah.

Addressing a press conference on 29 April, Dr Shah had also mentioned that Mr Jani generates urine in his bladder even though he does not drink water.

He further said that when some tests on his brain were conducted, it revealed his brain resembles that of a 25-year-old man.

Dr Shah recalled that Mr Jani has claimed that there is a hole in his palate and through his head a drop or two of nectar passes that helps him survive.

Doctors also revealed that initial test reports confirmed his body has undergone a biological transformation due to yogic exercises.

A team of about 35 doctors have studied the case and two 24-hour video cameras have been set up in his room while another camera follows him whenever he steps outside.

Doctors also noted that there was no sign of fatigue or any other problem experienced by the hermit and he preferred using stairs to the elevator.

It will take around two months before there are any conclusive results from the numerous tests conducted on Mr Jani.