Stop Crying Mickey Harte

Started by panc56, March 30, 2010, 12:28:38 PM

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Quote from: mylestheslasher on April 02, 2010, 01:54:08 PM
Quote from: longrunsthefox on April 02, 2010, 01:47:36 PM
Strange line in his column today, "To suggest that it is solely a matter for the county boards to inform their various team managers and for them to make clear what exactly is involved is a little bit like another man , a few thousand years ago, who believed that washing his hands would absolve him of all responsibility for  a poor judgement call."  :o
So... if the GAA rule makers are Pontious Pilate...  who is Mickey Harte?

Ye thought Canavan is God, ye were close - it is really Mickey.

Myles, he may have led us to the promised land  a few times but it is  a crass analogy.


I think it was a couple of years ago when most counties (including those, eventually involved) voted to exclude Div 4 teams from the Championship once they were beaten took place. The furore that occured once this came to pass was lunacy (that the vote was even taken was also lunacy BTW)

There is no communication about congress decisions between HQ, Boards and what's going on at the coalface and it's a disgrace. Worse still, there appears to be no strategic direction applied at all - Tom from West Clare thinks this should happen, nobody really gives a fcuk at the time and hey presto-the National Leagues promotion and relegation structures are changed. Complete joke

But, Johnno and Mickey have no right to be complaining now. This was in the pipeline for months

Tyrone Dreamer

Quote from: Roashter on April 02, 2010, 01:40:37 PM
Am indeed beginning to get tired of Mikey Harte and all his complaining.

First he was whinging about the video evidence. He actually suggested that every game should have a camara at it in the interest of "fairness". Maybe he could divert some of the funds from Club Tyrone to pay for cameras at such glamorous ties as Kilkenny v London in Div 4 (no offense intended to either team).

Then he started complaining about rule changes. (To be fair a lot of managers complained about this).

Next he gave out about the venue for the Monaghan game. IMO Monaghan were 100% entitled to play the game in any venue of their choosing in the county.

Finally, giving out about system of relegation is just whinging at this stage. If he has to blame anyone it should have been Tyrone county board, but realistically, as an inter-county manager he should have made sure that he knew the system long before the last game of the league. The fact John O'Mahony didn't know it either reflects poorly on him also.

Tyrone have attracted a lot of admirers/fans from other counties over the years. Success will always bring a bit of envy/begrudgery/jealousy and this just comes with the territory. But Mickey Harte will end up alienating a lot more people if he keeps up his "them-v-us" mentality.

Were exactly did you see this? Harte actually praised the ground for a full article.


Quote from: stephenite on April 02, 2010, 02:02:13 PM
There is no communication about congress decisions between HQ, Boards and what's going on at the coalface and it's a disgrace.

Thats a bit of a sweeping statement Stephenite - every club in Dublin was informed of this change after Congress last year and also at the commencement of this years competitions - from talking to friends in other counties, they were also clearly informed about it.

Mike Sheehy

Quote from: Main Street on April 02, 2010, 01:57:13 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on April 01, 2010, 04:05:36 PM
Quote from: Mike Sheehy on April 01, 2010, 12:00:34 AM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on March 31, 2010, 10:26:14 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on March 31, 2010, 09:03:11 PM
Mike, there is no need for the rudeness. Perhaps if you were a little gentler with your approach around here and chose your words with a little more care as to not cause offence, then perhaps more people would listen to your pearls of wisdom.

Ah, sure he is only using the couple of words he knows, leave him alone.

yeah, I try not to blather on, otherwise I might end up sounding like this t**t

QuoteI believe there is something out there, an energy or something we can't understand or measure. Outside of that I don't believe that there is a God in the traditional sense watching us and taking notes on our behaviour to judge us one day. Closest option for me is No 3 but then I always ask myself do I just think this because the most probable reality is that there is nothing after Death and my mind is conditioning me for death trying to give me hope where there is none.

Whats my views on God got to do with this thread? Is that lonely little inbred braincell feeling lonely on you again. Your pathetic attempts to try and goad fellow Irishmen in the north is sickening making you a sad excuse of an Irishman. Paudie had ye summed up right enough.
I had a feeling he was lurking around the pedophile thread but he must have got lost.

Strange, but maybe due to the repugnant effect of the presence of that inbred lurker, Michael Harte's ''idiosyncrasies'' appear endearing.

..inbreeding comments ? pedophile comments ?....I think we are seeing the depths to which the Ulster knobs will go and fully justifies what I have said about them. Disgraceful behavior but par for the course with these fellas unfortunately.


Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on April 02, 2010, 02:23:11 PM

Next he gave out about the venue for the Monaghan game. IMO Monaghan were 100% entitled to play the game in any venue of their choosing in the county.

Were exactly did you see this? Harte actually praised the ground for a full article.

Apologies Tyrone Dreamer,
Thought I saw it on some paper but was mistaken


Was a member of the county board complained... secretary or chairman as far as I recall