top 50 peil on tg4

Started by the Deel Rover, November 01, 2009, 01:02:22 PM

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If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere

Asal Mor

Mulligan's goal was definitely the best I've seen. A beautiful moment of individual brilliance which turned Tyrone's season around. I'm amazed at some of the nitpicking, fault-finding, unappreciative complainers on this board - "bad defending" & worse "should have been a free out". FFS. Miserable B@stards.


Quote from: under the bar on February 15, 2010, 09:13:30 PM
Foleys goal was a joke.  In any other sport the Dublin defenders would have been drug tested for waving him through. At least with Mulligans goal they motioned at defending it.   Pathetic choice for no 1.  Typical dewey-eyed revisionism bullshit from Southern media as I can think of 5 better goals in the past 10 years alone.   
Spot on. The Dublin based and biased media fought tooth and nail to have Foley's goal installed in the top spot. ;)