Setting yourself up as a limited company

Started by johnneycool, August 23, 2011, 02:09:38 PM

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Thanks for all the advice, links and PM's.

Much appreciated.


Best of luck johnneycool it takes balls setting up a business nowadays.
Thought about going limited myself a few times but the sole trader route just suits me better.

What is it the company your starting is gonna do?

Times are tough enough at the moment but there is still work out there and I'm motoring along nicely (despite what Dinny would love to believe  :D ) nothing like it use to be but still kept fairly busy all the same.

Oh and if you get any advice off Shamrock Shore then take it he knows what he is talking about!
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


Quote from: Canalman on August 24, 2011, 12:17:03 PM
Sadly I think that you will find out that all loans/ contracts etc will also have to be personally guaranteed nowadays.
Best of luck anyhows.


you'll have to give personal guarantees to get credit


Resurrecting this one. Am finally going to give it a go and go out on my own. Have secured a contract in the south but an currently living in the north but hoping to relocate within the next year or so.

I need to set myself up as a limited company as soon as possible, should I be doing that in the north or the south or will it make any difference?