cooper helmets

Started by hurl4ever, January 05, 2010, 08:02:15 PM

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was on the cooper website,, and was looking for the senior helmets, and it says that they would be available by december, i have emailed them and rang them but have had no reply, does anyone know if they are ever gonna be available. would rather buy a brand new one for over 100 euro than pay the same amount for a second hand one on ebay. if anyone could help me i would be grateful.

the colonel

according to the main page on hoganstand it says the new senior helmets are out in march
the difference between success and failure is energy


The old Cooper helmets on sale from Canada on ebay are not "approved " helmets....... best waiting for the new Coopers. Have my doubts that they will get passed in the short term.
Here in Dublin the DCB are fencesitting on the issue of acceptable helmets and I suspect that some refs are going to check helmets before a game for the quality mark. My old and trusty Coopers won't stand a chance if that happens. Other refs won't be arsed imo and will plant themselves  around the halfway line as usual reffing away.

The way I see it is that insurance won't cover you if you get hurt with a nonapproved helmet.