Great stocking filler - The Culchies Guide to Dublin

Started by Premier Emperor, November 03, 2009, 07:51:19 PM

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Premier Emperor

From the publishers...

The Culchies Guide to Dublin captures all of the facts about the Big Smoke that we all know but are too politically correct to talk about – that Crumlin is a kip for example, or that Dubs know nothing about their own city. So we've produced The Most Honest Map of Dublin Ever showing all of Dublin's suburbs referenced with film certs so you know whether you should wear a dress suit or flak jacket when visiting.

We've also included a chapter on Things That Dubs Should Know But Don't – why they're called Jackeens and so on. But the Culchies Guide also does what it says on the tin – it's a genuine travel guide with a twist. You'll never look at the Book of Kells or the GPO in the same light again. All of this and more is covered in Jim Connolly's hilarious, factual and bleedin' deadly Culchies Guide to Dublin.