Prodigy 19/6/09 Newcastle - Meltdown

Started by DownFanatic, June 17, 2009, 09:53:36 PM

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Anyone heading to Newcastle for this Prodigy concert on Friday night?

As I resident of the area I personally believe that the town is going to be wrecked. Our local police cant even handle a row between a couple of drunken 15 year olds on Friday night nevermind control a crowd of 15,000.

fred the red


Quote from: fred the red on June 17, 2009, 10:05:06 PM
wheres the concert being held?

Donard Park

Im heading and a crowd of mates. We'r thinking of camping out in Castlewellan forest park and going to Maginns that night. I'd say there'l be some characters staying in the caravan parks in Newcastle. God help anyone unknowingly going down for a quiet weekend!


going down myself but havent got tickets or anything. just gonna go to the inlaw's mobile home. hopefully it'll be good weather and we can get the bbq on the go..


Hope it goes well with no bother,but have to say Donard Park a totally unsuitable venue, for an event of this nature, with residential homes for elderly and handicapped close by