When not knowing really annoys you

Started by Midman, March 28, 2009, 12:24:48 PM

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Morning all, I watched a film on the telly last night. It was Starman with Jeff bridges, OK film. It made me think of another similarish film id seen in the 80s about an astronaut who has an accident comes back to earth and has superstrenght. This energy is given to him by the light form the sun and stars but if he over does it he can burn out (literally). But can I remember the name of the film!!!!!!

This has, for no apparent reasons become something bordering on an obsession and I have to find out. Two weeks from now in work the name will come to and I will shout it out while my colleagues look at me weirdly. So two questions

First.. Anyone have those questions , which are generally in no way important but bug you til you know?

More Importantly...... What the f**k was the film called!!! ??? >:( ;D

All help appreciated (including advise telling me this isnt really important, which I know but still, its annoying)


I'll post your query on the film on another forum I frequent, probably get you an answer.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Which one of you bitches wants to dance?


Brilliant!!! Cheers pints. I actually thought it was that but searched with North Star as opposed to Northstar.

I was 10 when I saw it and enjoyed it the 3.9/10 would put me off watching it again