
Started by Tony Baloney, February 17, 2009, 09:09:40 PM

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Tony Baloney

Anyone watch this? The missus recorded the last episode last night but for some reason the sky plus box fucked up and didn't record it or 24 at the same time.

In a nutshell whodunnit in Whitechapel?

The Watcher Pat

Have watched the first two and recorded the 3rd...Good show though might watch the 3rd episode after shameless.

Have to stay off this thread until then...
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


Feck Feck Feck Feck FECK!!!

This is the second week I've forgotten to tune in. Any good is it?
Testing Accessibility

Tony Baloney

Quote from: The Watcher Pat on February 17, 2009, 09:17:34 PM
Have watched the first two and recorded the 3rd...Good show though might watch the 3rd episode after shameless.

Have to stay off this thread until then...
Good man pat, I don.t watch it but herself holds me responsible for it not recording. Post a synopsis of the final episode when you watch it. The gaaboard has the answer to everything!


Your a handy boy Tony, Missus watched it,i  had half an eye on it. Some tall doctor with a moustache (it was a disguise) was the ripper. . . . .
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

Tony Baloney

Quote from: Minder on February 17, 2009, 09:33:27 PM
Your a handy boy Tony, Missus watched it,i  had half an eye on it. Some tall doctor with a moustache (it was a disguise) was the ripper. . . . .
The sky box seized and I knocked it off and on at the mains to reset it but the programs mustn't have finished taping. You'll need to get more details than that Minder.


great show,tony it was a doctor dressing up in disguise,the peelers had him sussed at the end and busted in on him trying to kill last victim the same as the original ripper,he escaped but was shown floating in i assume the times,head peeler reckoned he had failed so he would take his own life and a body should appear in a couple of weeks,missed if this was how the original  susspected ripper was suspected of dieing.


what channel is this on lads if its on BBC you can watch it on the i player!!!!
Spotted any unladylike behaviour report within:


ITV if i remember right
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

The Gs Man

Class show.  Really enjoyed it and Im not usually into those sorts of programmes (more of a "Disco Babes" man myself).  Characters were good.  I reckon it should be made into an ongoing series.

My missus guessed it was the doctor because he was too quick in saying what the injuries were and went into every minor detail.  Couldn't believe she got one over on me.
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