Happy 29th Birthday Gs Man - 13th December

Started by ziggysego, December 13, 2008, 01:20:10 AM

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Happy Birthday mofo. Even though I'm evening a weekend break, I'm knew no other bastard would wish you a happy birthday. So happy birthocy you media seeking whore! :*
Testing Accessibility


happy birthday G, what about a refund from your birthday money for all those texts votes we made for you ;) ;)
God bless the hills of Dooish, be they heather-clad or lea,

The Watcher Pat

happy bday S..1 day before my sisters and ure round the same age too....if i see u later on in the foresters i will by u a pint....has to be before half 1tho....if not its the wedge!!!
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


The Gs Man

Cheers dudes!

Best present ever would be for Quiggy to win the X Factor!   :P
Keep 'er lit


Happy Birthday !!!  You're catching up with me ....

Tyrones own

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann