Reasons why the recession is good

Started by small white mayoman, November 28, 2008, 04:19:09 PM

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milltown row

well its about time the ordinary punter gets something for his money. i bet we are still getting ripped off though


The thing i like is the stupid bitches in my office are not checking property prices on a daily basis where they live to find out the current worth of their house. The same people bought a house that is now worth half of what they bought it for.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


People copping on more and trying to finally live within there means


For anyone in a secure Job, or anyone with no job to lose, the recession is certainly a good thing. With the added benefits of it putting manners and a little humility on some people , it is to be welcomed.  The story is different for peope who will lose their jobs, particularly if they have young families, with them we can only sympathise.


On the verge on financial melt down 3 kids for santa horrible place to be in.


am hoping this 'recession' mood is making people cop on. Looks like it is.
I have been in favour of a public sector revamp and hope that these people can be re-deployed into worthwhile jobs and streamline the public sector from its current inefficiency.
Also if the gov wants to move departments down or around the country, then these workers will have to up sticks of be laid off.

my worry right now is these retail employers are making statements giving out about the public going North....and are going to use the excuse to lay people off - a bit like dell did, and a couple of days ago, dell announced a bigger profit than expected for the last quarter.We need to maintain as many jobs as possible to ride out this current climate, job losses will be the thing that brings us all crashing down (people emigrate/return back to their home countries, less houses rented, less money in local economy to keep it going - that whole knock on effect).

A lot of companies are starting to pull the plug on their 'india' operations (call centre and operations centres) for various reasons. Which is good for EU and Ireland where the jobs will hopefully and expectedly all come back to. Esp as the Irish Gov have announced even better taxation incentives for companies investing here or setting up more jobs.

I hope that in the new year, as long as we dont haemmorage too many jobs, that the sky wont have fallen down, that the people see the banks havent fallen, that the banks will see the economy is still trading and money going around and reverse their no-lending policy to local businesses and people. That companies will realise that time doesnt stand still and they must continue to trade and invest in order to remain operational.
Money will circulate in ever increasing circles and we will come off life support.

OK so your 150k house is no longer worth 300k (though you paid 95k for it) and some poeple will still have a small bit of negative equity or no equity, but as long as they live, breathe, work and earn money , this will turn into an equitable asset.

Petrol is down, heating is down, gas is up,supermarket prices are already going down due to competition, healthcare insurance is up - its all just the same money but trading places as ever.
The immediate growth and boost to the american economy with obama getting elected whould have the knock on effect here too.
thats great for us.See how the dollar and share markets bounced ever since this news !

I think as long as we can hold it, and the desire to do so is there - we can get out of this current bleak tunnel and even the housing market and building sector will be back and alive next year....hopefully sooner rather than later - though when is the question.
its still looking ok to me at least!