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Messages - Slim

Congrats to Down today.  Great stuff.

Use made me a few quid.  ;D

I hope use go on and win it!!
How many men had a double on Down and Dublin today I wonder?

I backed Down all the way, was convinced it was going to be Down's day but I wasn't sure on the tyrone game.  Thought though Tyrone would see it through but not to be.

I think Dublin's name was on it today.  As has already been pointed out, there was heavy number of wides for tyrone today.  I feel if 20/25% of those went over, Tyrone would have held out.  Sean Cavanagh had perhaps the worst game I have seen him play, and that undoubtedly played its part on the outcome. Sean Cavanagh has had a very poor year in my opinion but look in fairness to the man, thats us comparing him to the high standards he has set in previous years.  He in no way is overrated. An amazing player.  In saying that, you are only as good as your last game, and in Sean Cavanagh's case his "rating" may drop a little after this year. That may ony serve to benefit him.

Dublin's goal was also fortunate. Came of the post nicely for O'Gara.  The only thing O'Gara did all day it has to be said, though I never expected him to do much when playing against good defenders.

If I was a tyrone man I wouldnt be in too much despair. If my county had the current team of players, and talent level coming through I would be looking forward to the future.

Cassidy is also to come back into things after his unfortunate ankle injuries. If he was playing today would the result have been the same?

I always hear how some of the tyrone players arent rated inside the county.  How many are we talking about here really??