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Messages - wicked

General discussion / Re: Advice on NI prepaid mobile?
October 10, 2014, 10:32:57 AM
Really dumb question while we're on it: can you keep a phone number if you've lost the SIM? I lost the old phone and would love to keep that mobile number because everyone has it, but thinking that's not possible.

P.S. Thanks much for all your help.
General discussion / Advice on NI prepaid mobile?
October 10, 2014, 09:51:26 AM
Greetings. We're traveling to the North in a couple months, and I've lost the old T-Mobile prepaid I've use on past trips. In addition, it seems like T-Mobile is no longer available in NI (at least based on their webpage). Ideally want something with a NI number since that's where the family is and that's where we'll be spending the bulk of our time (Ardglass, Down, etc.).

Any suggestions for companies to go with? O2 is the only other provider I know of. Ideally I'd like to order something ahead of time and have it shipped Stateside so I have it when I land in Dublin.

Thanks in advance.
Is JFK still viewed as a God-like figure there? He is here... as popular as ever in film and television.
RIP to the deceased. Those small jets always have made me uneasy when flying in them.
General discussion / Re: Belfast Giants Ice Hockey
January 17, 2011, 02:25:56 PM
I went earlier this year while in Belfast, when they played the Boston Bruins. I thought the presentation was top-notch, on par with the way it's done in North America, and I liked the arena (it was nice, and it's decent sized but not too big). The repeated stoppages in play are annoying, but we're used to them over here.
I went to Penn State, the biggest stadium on the list (I believe Michigan has expanded again since that list was put together) amazing atmosphere on game days in the fall at the stadium and surrounding it in the parking lots, for the tailgating.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
September 20, 2010, 08:38:44 PM
Quarterbacks outside the BCS have contended for the Heisman, see Steve McNair and Joe Dudek, Dudek played for a small college in upstate New Hampshire that was in Division III.

Much less likely to see it nowadays, granted, but the kid at Nevada is pretty damn good.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
September 20, 2010, 03:41:24 PM
Cowboys and Vikings are 0-2, so much for two teams everyone was picking to play in the Super Bowl, or at the least meet in the NFC title game.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
September 16, 2010, 11:17:05 PM
Anyone here going to the Boston Bruins-Giants Select game at Odyssey?
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
September 12, 2010, 05:35:42 AM
Great finish to the Notre Dame-Michigan game, even though I dislike Michigan, Michigan's quarterback is very talented and had one heck of a game. I guess you'd say he was in good form.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
September 05, 2010, 12:19:49 AM
Notre Dame will be in Yankee Stadium again in the next couple years ... they're making an effort to bring them in every couple years, as well as having a bowl game there at Yankee Stadium every year.

The finish of the Mississippi-Jacksonville State game was phenomenal.
General discussion / Re: American Sports Thread
September 03, 2010, 07:37:43 PM
The marching band shows at halftime are something else, as is the entire atmosphere surrounding college football. I'll take a Division I college game over the NFL any day.
Thanks for the links, Gs and Orior, and all the helpful info. Folks have entered a bunch of routes around Belfast in Nike's running website, too, so I'll probably try one of those.
Heading over in a few weeks... probably staying near Downpatrick, with some time in Belfast, too. Any particularly scenic/enjoyable running routes, bicycle paths, etc., near either? Maybe even a local road race?

Thanks in advance.
They make more on the dole in Ireland than here in the states. I'm living in the wrong place.