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Messages - armaghpat

Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 18, 2009, 10:38:22 PM
Fitzroyalty, it was one of the Senior members of the panel telling me about him being dropped and apparently they cant make any sense of it either as his attitude and work rate was brilliant last year if it had of been otherwise doubt he would have started ahead of the rest. I asked if he'd a bad attitude and was told def not. Im still trying to work it out for myself because I really like him as a player. So have to disagree with ya there. A Size issue was what P Orourke told him. 

Has P.McGrane been confirmed as manager of Eglish?
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 18, 2009, 02:18:59 PM
Heard kevin orourke and stephen kernan also dropped. Apparantly Kor too small for county football, After starting against Tyrone last year? Few new cross faces too.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 17, 2009, 07:17:40 PM
Championship panel. And neither boys play college football and neither injured.

Going to be alot of faces made. And alot of people wanting answers!
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 17, 2009, 04:52:33 PM
Anyone know what happened Orchard county??
Thought i'd join this instead.

Anyone know the panel?? Apparently 11 or 12 of last years panel have been dropped. I know two and still can't make any sense of what the hells going on.