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Messages - Bomber

General discussion / Jersey Printing
December 10, 2008, 05:46:02 PM
I have got a few soccer jerseys and namesets that I want printed on to them. Is there anywhere in the north that does the printing service?

Got it done in JJB in Belfast once but it wasn't the greatest job ever so wary about going back to them.
Quote from: Take Your Points on December 09, 2008, 09:26:28 PM
It would be interesting to know how much the case cost them.  It must have been sponsored by someone to the tune of 10K+.

I'd say some sort of agreement was made to sweep this under the carpet. If they were to be successful and the appointment was opened up again it would have caused complete turmoil, much greater than what has gone before. I would think someone involved in Donegal GAA would have paid whatever was needed to 'lose this case' and get on with the football side of things. I would imagine 10K+ would not have been required.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 09, 2008, 06:30:16 PM
Is Paddy Cunningham fit for the McKenna Cup? Didn't he hurt the ankle lately or something?
General discussion / Re: Mens Suits??
December 06, 2008, 02:13:20 PM
I think i am going to avoid Burtons. Its ok to buy a shirt, t-shirt or something there but wouldnt be sure about the suits.
Going by the reports here and adverts, I think Bogarts is the place.
Hopefully I will get sorted with a nice suit next week with a good deal.
General discussion / Re: Mens Suits??
December 04, 2008, 10:45:51 PM
You hardly have any contacts in the Belfast store?
Can see my going to Newry... Esp the crowds about it at min with shopping ;)
General discussion / Re: Mens Suits??
December 04, 2008, 09:30:29 PM
Do bogarts do all the top brands like remus etc??
Maguire01 how much did you pay then for both suits.
I am after a navy 1 myself
General discussion / Mens Suits??
December 04, 2008, 05:22:12 PM
I am thinking of buying a new suit as I have a few weddingd coming up over xmas.
Any one got any ideas where I could get a good deal??? Is BOGARTS in Belfast any good??
I always see them advertising half price or 2 for 1 deals bu what would the quality of suit be like??
GAA Discussion / Re: The official new GAA kits thread
November 30, 2008, 08:22:13 PM
Quote from: thejuice on November 27, 2008, 04:49:01 PM
Well there must be a new Meath Jersey on the way, have the last one down as the 06-07 jersey. They are usually out before Christmas anyway to get the tills ringing.

I see the has old jerseys in a clearance section reduced by a massive £8 to £30. How can they think people will pay £30 for an old jersey when they can just spend an extra tenner and get a new one that is going to be in date for a few years at least! Anyone who buys one of those needs their heads examined!
GAA Discussion / Re: The official new GAA kits thread
November 30, 2008, 08:17:12 PM
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on November 11, 2008, 11:42:49 PM
What Anto and Deco will be wearing from the O'Neills Summer 09 collection.

Got my new Dublin jersey today, class shirt! Just one thing though, it cost £40. That's a joke for a GAA top. It seems to get higher every year!
General discussion / Re: try this one......
November 27, 2008, 10:01:39 PM
Quote from: tyrone exile on November 27, 2008, 09:58:43 PM
Freaked me out, was able to tell me my date of birth, who i played for and who i was going out with, i reckon he gets the info of bebo/facebook/myspace
and if you dont have them its jus general comments.
think it costs 2 quid, was well worth it for the laugh

He has to be getting it from this I think. For two pound all he has to do is take a look at your info on your profile and photos and a quick glance at comments. Id say he has made some money from it! Bit of craic and a laugh from it if nothing else!
General discussion / Re: try this one......
November 27, 2008, 09:56:04 PM
Do ya realise where he's getting info from milltown?
General discussion / Re: try this one......
November 27, 2008, 09:26:06 PM
I did this a few weeks ago. Buddy is some boy! Good wee money maker for the smart boy who is doing it!
Come on lads Capdevila could have wrecked Ronaldo's knee or broke his leg with a tackle like that. You can't go in with your studs up like that!
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Neighbours Thread
November 25, 2008, 02:30:09 PM
That Nicola one done the dirt on the great one today! How could she?? :( Are we going to see him as a Doc no more or will he work his magic once again and get himself out of this one?
GAA Discussion / Re: McKenna Cup 2009
November 24, 2008, 11:15:27 AM
Quote from: Thastheball on November 24, 2008, 11:02:52 AM
Quote from: Bomber on November 24, 2008, 10:59:33 AM
Quote from: Thastheball on November 24, 2008, 10:00:10 AM
Quote from: Bomber on November 21, 2008, 10:40:49 PM
Is it just me that thinks it's good for a player to play for his University during McKenna Cup?

1. He is likely to play all three or more games in the competition for his University which he probably won't for county
2. He will be tested by county players in those games the same way he would for his county anyway
3. He can be watched by someone on behalf of manager in his games and could possibly be watched by manager as all games might not clash
4. County manager can take a look at other players for longer in games during Univerisity player's absence

If University teams don't have their county players it is pointless them playing in the competition. The players should not be put under this pressure. 

Aye i think its just you. So ypu think a county manager is going to go to all the matches his potential players are going to play in. plus his own games, plus his own training, never mind the behind the scenes meetings. Wake the f**k up.
The Mc kenna cup is a county competition, for county football. The prelude to this uni footballers getting into this compotetion was a s a result of the change of timing of the competition by the provincial councils to the after xmas slot. This seriously messded up the uni's opportunity to play good challenge games at that time of the year against th counties as the counties were playing in the Mc Kenna cup.
This agenda is being driven by the uni's to get meaningful games, when they already have a compo (Ryan Cup) in place to cater for their needs, and then on top of all of that the Ulster council creates this stupid rule preventing players developed by clubs from within the county from selecting its own players. What a complete load of balls.

Perhaps you should wake the f**k up! If a manager was interested in doing as well as possible in his role than he would go out of his way to see any player in action, at any time, anywhere. This is what is takes to get to the top. Ask Mickey Harte, never saw a man attend as many fixtures other than when Tyrone are involved, to help his preparation for his team to do well.

Perhaps you should read point three again, (3. He can be watched by someone on behalf of manager in his games). That's for when games clash. If a county team is playing on a Saturday night and then his college players are playing on the Sunday, he should without any question attend that college game. County managers are getting paid enough these days, it's the least he could do.

If you want to win Sam, thats what it takes, and much more!!

So you know what it takes to win Sam, no chance of you answering my point on the uni playing in a county compo but the counties not getting access to the players.

Bringing in the college teams added something to what was a boring old competition! What difference does it make whether he plays for his college or county team during the competition, it will still develop him as a player for when he represents his county in league or championship. Not many county teams care if they win the compeition anyway so missing players shouldn't worry them too much.

By the way I'm glad your not in charge of my county team as you wouldn't have a clue what it would take to do well!

P.S. Are you Damian Cassidy in disguise?