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Messages - Trouble Ahead

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
September 11, 2008, 08:17:03 PM
I see that the Derry hurling Chships where Refereed by lads from Antrim, why not let them in to referee our games, as the lads we have seemed to be incapable of doing the nescessary job, magee has never recovered from his croker outing!! Declan its time to call it a day!

The county board should approach the Antrim lads, most of us know them anyway so why not?
September 04, 2008, 01:00:47 PM
Well its comming to that time of the year again lads, who are the officials to take charge of both Finals, are Hurling final is a bit of a non-event. Who have we got for the Hurling, and who have we got for the football, any odds would anyone like to to post their favoured man in both codes, and we can canvas opinions-odds on paddy power!!!!

Will it be a North Antrim man for the Hurling( 2 North Antrim Teams), will it be North Antrim for the football (2 City Teams), like to hear opinions and reasons for your choice. Skull- Milltown Row you lads seemed fairly clued in, whats your opinions?
August 28, 2008, 01:10:59 PM
Does it matter if the Ref viewed it or not, Mc Sparren Frankie(Cushendun) Quinn(Cushendal) and Frank Smith do what they want, would be a paper exercise as they say. Why did Loughguile did the video to Cushendal in the 1st place? What did that idiot Hammil go witness? He rolled around like a footballer once he was taken out, what a P***K, like father like son eh!! The decision has been made, the CHC has undermined the Referee and the Referees committee will do shag all to support their man, plain and simple.

What an advertisement to Referee gealic games, what do you say to kids that want to get involved in the YOUNG WHISTLERS? Go to soccer you get paid more, plain and simple.
July 16, 2008, 11:52:12 AM
Trouble Ahead

Posts: 12

     Re: Antrim Football Thread
« Reply #2628 on: Today at 11:48:13 AM »     

I hear that Mc Cartan is allegedly getting £200 per week plus expenses for the galls, and to top that Jody is allegedly lifting £1200 per month just from antrim, never mind Bredagh and his one off,s plus the teaching salary. I think its time i went into coaching it pays more!!!! Amateur sport my ass!!! No wonder no-one wants to play for him. 

Report to moderator 

Milltown any truth in this rumour!!!!!!!
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
July 16, 2008, 11:48:13 AM
I hear that Mc Cartan is allegedly getting £200 per week plus expenses for the galls, and to top that Jody is allegedly lifting £1200 per month just from antrim, never mind Bredagh and his one off,s plus the teaching salary. I think its time i went into coaching it pays more!!!! Amateur sport my ass!!! No wonder no-one wants to play for him.
July 10, 2008, 10:26:04 AM
Nag, catch a grip, i hear the Aholes wanted upgraded to a 4* star hotel, JC who do they think they are!!!! Would,nt get that from the ARDS men!!
July 05, 2008, 06:59:28 AM
Minder, i hear from my South Antrim colleague at work that some of your boys got lengthy suspensions handed down the other night over the game with the johnnies last week? How many lads where penalised?
July 01, 2008, 11:23:55 AM
Referee Abuse-Has to Stop04 July 2008
It has been brought to the attention of County Committee by the Referee's Committee that the verbal abuse of our match officials by mentors and club officials is on the increase.

In conjunction with the CCC, it has been agreed that further reports of verbal abuse of out match officials will be dealt with in the most severe manner, and when possible the maximum suspension will be awarded to the perpetrators of the abuse.

We are determined to eliminate the abuse that is unfairly directed to out match officials, and I ask for your full support in our attempts to remove this from our games.

Seamus O'Muiri

Name : Antrim Onlooker01 July 2008Referee Abuse-Has to Stop

I would just like to add to this as i've seen it at first hand and it's one of the reasons why I will never Referee again. Referees really need to be more consistent and more strict as moving the ball forward does'nt really work and if ALL Referees were to book then send off players and mentors then the message would soon hit home as only a few do this now so you get players and mentors saying sure I/He told the Ref to F off last week and never got booked we need all the Refs to start dishing out cards for these offenses even if it means 4 or 5 players sent off cause it would soon stop. Some players don't realize without these men in the middle we would'nt have any games and we all should be doing our bit to help them and protect them.

Minder these quotes from your county website today, i can think of one club that has "Troubles Ahead"
June 30, 2008, 11:35:25 AM
Ah Come on Minder, get real my source was playing and he said all you lads did the whole game was cry and complain, for Christs sake give it a break, usually its the jonnies that do the bitching! Was your no 11 attended to or not for a good few minutes, if so then give up on the old added time. If you where good enough you would nver have been beaten in the end, always always blame the man in the middle. Give it up, its wearing a bit thin at this stage.
June 30, 2008, 11:18:48 AM
Minder, as a down man living in Antrim, my sources say that your no 11 was cut and was attended to on the pitch for at least 5 minutes, so what do you expect. I am told the abuse you lads gave him after the game was out of order, i hear he let you play hurling and let the game go on as much as possible, but all you lads did was abuse him, surprising the jonnies did,nt get invoved, Micky J must have them well disciplined.

Sounds like just sour grapes, my advice leave the refs alone and maybe we can all play hurling for a change!!!!!!!
June 30, 2008, 06:47:12 AM
Minder, i hear the genariffe boys gave the Ref a hard time after the game, trying to get off the pitch. It sounds like they where a bit OTT!! to say the least. If the past is anything to go by, this guy does,nt take to kindly to this type of behaviour!
June 29, 2008, 08:14:34 AM
Jesus Lads,

We are all talking about warm-ups and the noticeable differences between the two teams. FFS get real it never was and will never be until this county makes massive investment in its team managers. Jody comes cheap, as he has other jobs!!! Sambo and woody are the same. The Docs problem is  simple, he paying for the sins of previous County Chairs and lack of finance!! Where did all the money go? Has anybody asked these questions?

The centre of excellence is a wonderful idea and we should have one, but that is long term. We have the strength at club level in both codes, we are always there or there abouts in all senior club championships! Why does in not follow through?

Because we get CHEAP IDIOTS that cannot make it anywhere else. Take the money from the SSweep for the next 2-3 years and purchase expertise for both Codes, look at  Wicklow, etc etc a fraction of the clubs that we have! Christ it takes investment. With this success the crowds will return, the money in the gates will increase, we will win back support and pride and the SSweep will increase its sales 3 fold, and for once antrim supporters will have something to be proud of! As Clubs, Players, supporters the County Exec needs to be held accountable!! Drop the petty differences and come together to put a stop the embarrassment, your driving kids and supporters to other sports or out of the association!!!!
June 02, 2008, 08:43:41 AM
Glensman, you are 100% correct, maybe the railway cup scenario with Loughnan has taken its toll!! John Gough the 2nd he was extremely poor, and this from a man who was saying down our way pardon the punn, that he felt that he should get the Ulster Final!!!!!

He systamatically killed the game, not that it was great anyway, referees have a major contribution to make to any game, he did,nt?
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 31, 2008, 03:19:05 PM
« Reply #3061 on: May 30, 2008, 05:27:19 PM »     

Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
« Reply #4852 on: Today at 08:56:35 AM »     

Have tried to post this on Hogan in our section and they have blocked it all week.

" Conflict of Interest"

How can Ray Matthews referee our Minor Hurlers this Sunday, When his Brother in law is the Armagh coach "Rogie", and he coaches the Armagh goalkeepers-- What are Ulster Council thinking. I am not saying it would be deliberate, but i would hate to see a crunch decision in the last few minutes!! He is a good referee i hear, but how he should have withdrawn from the game! 
May 30, 2008, 05:27:19 PM
 Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
« Reply #4852 on: Today at 08:56:35 AM »     

Have tried to post this on Hogan in our section and they have blocked it all week.

" Conflict of Interest"

How can Ray Matthews referee our Minor Hurlers this Sunday, When his Brother in law is the Armagh coach "Rogie", and he coaches the Armagh goalkeepers-- What are Ulster Council thinking. I am not saying it would be deliberate, but i would hate to see a crunch decision in the last few minutes!! He is a good referee i hear, but how he should have withdrawn from the game!