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Messages - sledge hammer

Evil Genius, why do you bother?

why do you insist on coming onto this board and starting discussions with the sole idea of starting an argument. what do you wish to prove. do you aim to win converts to the unionist cause?
bignifanatic your attempts to support mr armstrong are pathetic. to say anyones death ould 'cause me great pleasure' is sick to say the least. how you try to make out that he somehow 'didn't really mean it' is a bit disgusting. it is clear from mr armstrongs previous posts what his agenda is (was) on this board, to me and many others it isnt really capable of being defended.

but thats right, neil isnt a bad lad. we should just forget about it and leave him alone. (by the way, i could see the outrage there would be had an sdlp elected representative made the comments)

mr armstrong is a bigot belonging to a bygone age and your attempts to appease the situation are laughable to say the least.

the only problem with i have with this board at the minute is that the mods havent been acting in a transparent nature.
General discussion / Re: The bard of Dunclug
October 12, 2008, 11:53:47 AM
bignifanatic your attempts to support mr armstrong are pathetic. to say anyones death ould 'cause me great pleasure' is sick to say the least. how you try to make out that he somehow 'didn't really mean it' is a bit disgusting. it is clear from mr armstrongs previous posts what his agenda is (was) on this board, to me and many others it isnt really capable of being defended.

but thats right, neil isnt a bad lad. we should just forget about it and leave him alone. (by the way, i could see the outrage there would be had an sdlp elected representative made the comments)

mr armstrong is a bigot belonging to a bygone age and your attempts to appease the situation are laughable to say the least.

the only problem with i have with this board at the minute is that the mods havent been acting in a transparent nature.
havent seen many of our owc friends coming out to slate mr armstrong for this. whereare our guardians of morality and righteousness evil genius/sammyg/MW? then we have bignifanatic coming on to give a personal reference for his friend neil. makes me laugh. i wonder how things would pan out if his holiness or t fearon came out and said that they wished some of the contributors to owc should be taken out and shot? me thinks there would be uproar.

bottom line is mr armstrong was caught out. he showed his true colours. even should we forget about his most recent comment he should still be confronted about others comments he has made on this site.
cant see how you can compare singing of sean south in a private team gathering to large scale sectarian abuse directed at members of a sporting team in a public sporting arena.

what a team does on the way to game is completely up to them, so long as it doesnt offend anyone on the bus. but then again i suppose the owc need something to deflect attention from the truth.
just read that transcript. gregory must have set aside time each week to publicly make an eejit of himself. most people indulge in that sort of thing around 1.30am on a sunday morning but gregory prefers to do it on the wireless
General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
June 04, 2008, 11:57:21 AM
antrim coaster - sent you a pm
General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
May 22, 2008, 01:33:32 PM
cheers hardy. must have a look round for the cd. wouldnt even mind just seeing the words printed out, would like to learn it off.
General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
May 22, 2008, 12:47:14 PM
Quote from: Antrim Coaster on May 22, 2008, 12:38:33 PM
The Turf Spade by Aussie Bryson from the Castlefin direction of Co. Donegal.'I got up this morning in the Rosses, looked out the window, fine day for cutting turf etc..and ends up outside Euston Station in London. Classic!

that sounds like it antrim coaster. do you know where i would get a copy of the words?
General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
May 21, 2008, 03:44:15 PM
thats a good one hardy. still havent found the one im looking for though. hopefully donagh will be able to turn something up.
General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
May 21, 2008, 12:31:15 PM
just keep them coming. im sure we'll come across it sooner or later.

maybe some of the donegal lads will know it.
General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
May 21, 2008, 12:10:20 PM
no hardy its not that one, know that one well though.

i can only remember a few lines of it. i can remember that he was talking about leaving a bike outside the pub and then when he came out of the pub "there was the bike just where i had left it, GONE!"

i wish i could remember more of it, or at least the name of it.
General discussion / The Turf Spade
May 21, 2008, 11:50:27 AM
i heard a recitation a few years ago, think it was on the radio. As far as i know it was called The Turf Spade, was recited by someone with a great donegal accent.

just wondering does anyone know if you can hear it on the internet anywhere or is there anywhere that has the words printed.

i may have got the name wrong, but it was a very humourous recitation anyway.