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Messages - RedBlack

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 01, 2008, 04:28:37 PM
Re: Mickey & Drumgath

Is Mickey likely to play in Div 3 this year - I'd say a few defenders at this level wouldn't fancy the prospect of marking him. Him and Enda Gormley playing in the same league :)!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
January 29, 2008, 11:50:14 AM
No John Clarke? Did he have a row after being subbed Sat night?
I presume no-one at the Elk last night belongs to a club which is paying a manager. If there were some there in that position I would say they are hypocritical for not sorting their own house out first - I haven't heard a clamour about professionalism from them before.
To the man who is selling a club raffle ticket - I don't think that a County player getting a few quid for his efforts will be a problem with the punter who pays to watch him at Clones as he earns the GAAs money. The punter may object to that same club paying a trainer/manager (probably from outside the parish) £200-300.00 or more per week. Or am I missing the point?
The Down County squad has been training up to 4 nights a week, for at least the last month. One of the players was dropped off the squad allegedly for going to a club dinner.
Unless you are a school teacher, a student, self employed or working for a county supporter, how can you work at a normal job, travel 40 miles away to training for 7pm, home at 10-11pm, challenge matches at weekends etc etc without a lot of hassle? Something has to give.
The IC palyers/GPA are also GAA men - have they all become greedy b*stards overnight, with no love for the association or game? Maybe they see everyone else gettin a slice of the cake and resent it - I don't know, but I have some sympathy for them.
Mid Louth - thanks for the welcome.
I agree that some clubs don't play a manager - many do.
You don't tackle my main point - the critics of players getting paid a few quid seem happy to turn a blind eye to all the other money sloshing about. Inter county managers are earning what? €50k, €100k - we all hear rumours? Can someone tell us (without naming names of course).
I train underage teams in my club and it costs me - diesel, phones, kit washing, training gear, time. I resent it more that many clubs in our county are paying managers (including our own), than that inter co. players get a few quid.
Club soccer/rugby players pay to play - gaelic footballers/hurlers still will for their club/parish. But if you ask a guy to put his career and family on hold for 5-10 years, then surely he deserves something. I don't resent paying to watch inter-county football - the players provide the entertainment and often suffer for it.
When the OrangeMen won their one and only AI they allegedly spent up to £500,000.00. There were men turning up to training to do stats, physios, fitness/nutrition people and management - were these people all doing it for the love of their county?
Mr Conway was nearly in tears on TV and radio about the sacrosanct amateur status of the GAA. Who is he kidding? Tyrone spend hundreds of thousands on their quest for AI glory every year. Every half decent club side - Junior/Int/Snr pays a manager - what did Dromore spend this year?
Inter County players need to live, they deserve all they get.
Times move on, we are in a competitive market place in most of Ireland. Soccer and rugby are sniping at us - if we don't look after our no. 1 asset - the players, we will ultimately flounder.