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Messages - Samuel James

GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 21, 2012, 10:30:01 PM
What authority does Croke Park have to impose these swinging penalties? We are always told that this is a democratic organisation and that all changes must go thro Congress. Did Congress pass a motion allowing the powers that be the authority to deny a home venue for what amounts to in reality minor altercations? I can see the DRA being called into action here. It's time the GAA grassroots took ownership of the association. We hear all about the value of volunteers and yet we have these autocrats sitting in their ivory towers using their powers to undo the work of volunteers.
The idea of fines is ludicrous. It wouldn't take a lot of ingenuity by a county board to obviate the effects of that one.
GAA Discussion / GAA Discipline and Investigations.
February 09, 2012, 05:34:44 PM
I read on another forum what some might call a rant as to the veracity of GAA investigations and subsequent discipline. It did however strike a bell with me as I was marginally involved some time ago in such a case. The club in question were quite annoyed that the charges were of a very general nature and the evidence given to the club to support such charges was non specific. Indeed it is strongly suspected that verbal evidence was taken from the other club with the accused club not given any opportunity to respond to same. Natural justice would dictate that everyone should be advised of the evidence held against them, otherwise we are in the area of kangaroo courts. The level of proof required in disciplinary cases I am informed is ''on the balance of probability.'' This is much higher than rumour and heresay. I am reliably informed by my legal friends that it is just below ''beyond all reasonable doubt.'' As again has been eluded to on another forum, can we be assured that our masters in the association have the necessary skills and are unbiased to the extent that their impartiality and discernment cannot be called into question? If not I think we should be looking at taking the necessary action to rectify the situation.
I am aware that changes were made a couple of years ago to the disciplinary procedure but if memory serves me right these were mainly to increase the powers of the disciplinary bodies rather to try and achieve a fair outcome. I would welcome the views of others on these matters.
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 01, 2012, 01:38:48 PM
Just found this board. Have watched some clips of this event and quite honestly am astounded by the negative publicity. I've seen bigger skirmishes at Scarva on the 13th. No doubt the powers that be within the association will wield the big stick  at a small club as is their wont.
My point of reference is always Semplegate where Clare and Cork hurlers cut five colours of you know what out of each other before the ball was thrown in. No calls here for teams to be thrown out of the competition or long suspensions. As far as I can recall the longest suspension was four weeks. Move on and get a grip.
With regard to the handbag incident. I would advise the owner to take out insurance on the offending accessory. I can envisage a situation in some years from now this item will surface at a charity auction and the then President of the GAA will purchase it for donation to the GAA museum.