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Messages - Banana Man

is this guy for real  ???

no doubt the statelet will put it's collective arms around this poor soul, give him DLA, counselling and a free pass to a shooting range to release any negative feelings

makes me sick
Mckinney was brutal, Kelly was pressing him on the SDLP's attendance at Westminster then kelly snookered him about the 42 and 28 day detention period and made him admit they voted for 28 days.

McKinney was on the ropes then. I turned it over, it was like watching a packo f hounds hover over a fox i.e. i couldn't beat to watch anymore.

The man is a clown
Quote from: shyted on April 15, 2010, 04:47:54 PM
The best way ive ever seen to get a player who u know is goin to destroy u lined.

I'm no language expert but I think I can translate the above.

I have been watching Gaelic for many years and I've witnessed many intriguing battles. The most interesting contests are where the two combatants know each other very well. Indeed, when one player knows that his oponent is superior, he must use all his ingenuity to outfox him, and in some circumstances this can lead to the opponent being sent off.

Absolute cracker Orior!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
April 16, 2010, 09:29:11 AM
Don't think it. I was at it and I thought Kilcief played the better to be honest. Having said that the clone hit the bar twice but kilcief had a man sent off, what was that for No1? appeared to be just mouthin, think it was 2 yellows?

If kilcief had a good freetaker they would have got a draw at least. The clone had a nervous last 10 minutes especially when kilcief hit the bar!
I heard a big one coming from Margaret Ritchie talking sh*te about not entering into a pact with SF in Fermanagh and South Belfast

she sickened my hole well before this news but she's entering voodoo doll territory now ffs
Brick I think you're spot on there with that, I was beginning to wonder was I the only one thinking it. YEahthese guys on their day are great footballers etc but the lads that got the team to the final deserve their run out first an foremost then take it from there...
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
April 13, 2010, 10:07:29 AM
Seen on hoganstand there that Gordon is back with the panel. Excellent news, we need everyone we can get.

Could be a good summer lads...
the boy on the right with no donkey

''I knew I'd forgotten to bring something with me''
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
April 12, 2010, 02:55:52 PM
I thought it was concrete that the game was for Croker  ???
On the radio there now that the DUP and UUP are going to be locked in talks all weekend to try and thrash out a deal for South Belfast too.

It's still not to late in the day for SF and the SDLP to come together and give each a free run in both of the 2 area's - it's simple sectarian headcount time (again)
right enough how many Germans were actually on the pitch for Bayern???
General discussion / Re: Frankie Boyle
April 07, 2010, 02:33:17 PM
Anyone heading to Frankie in a few weeks time, got my tickets and I can't wait, 2nd May, should be brilliant...
I'll tell you what pisses me off the most on this, public consultation was held in Belfast, Lisburn and Omagh - i.e. there were 2 Belfast venues chosen.

Could the worried Lisburn people not travel a further 6 miles down the road - they really must be deprived  ::)

No matter what public forum Lisburn always gets a separate one to Belfast and the South of the Province get SFA - rant over
General discussion / Re: Epilepsy
April 01, 2010, 01:44:04 PM
Believe it or not animals can suufer fromit too.

My dog taks the odd fit from it, he doesn't know where he is when he takes the fit then sleeps for a day or two, vet has to give medication for it
I'm with I'llDecide on this one, I reckon it's going to b a damp squib, realistically it's a league game with 2 points up for grabs, both managers won't want to lose but is a win worth all the associated risks??

I'd say if it's level with 5 minutes to go neither side will have the swingers to go for it