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Messages - An Gaeilgoir

GAA Discussion / Re: Listening to games on the web
February 11, 2007, 01:53:07 PM
midwestirishradio will get you comentrary on all the Mayo matches.
The rugby was been played in an international stadium been watched by 70000 spectators with the roof closed. Castlebar had 6000 supporters,both Mayo and Kerry are playing their first game of the year. I could go on......
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Tyrone
February 04, 2007, 05:05:40 PM
There were 4 rugby heads behind me at the match...some of the stuff they came out with was great..... ::) i though the ref had a great game. He was consisent and he was well up with the play. The same old Dublin story,they are jeckyl and hyde. Tryone were solid Kevin Hughes made a difference and changed the game i felt....but it is only early Feb.
A good game...terrible reffering,really terrible.A hard game but overall a fair game. I thought KIlcullen,Gardiner and AOM were consisent. Dillon again excellent also T. Mortimer. A good start for John o but a bit early to get carried away.
Couldnt agree more muppet. As i said earlier the opening of Croke park will not stop lads going off and playing other sports, that is life. The G.A.A is still number one in this country despite the doom and gloom and come next may/June and the start of the championship this will be forgotten.Its time to be proud of croke park and show it to the world.
Im not going to get into a tit for tat with you mid-louth...but if soccer is no.1,which i did not say was never going to happen...why not use some of the millions that we are going to get from the opening of croker to counteract this. I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
After the vote on rule 42 was taken there was a radio show, between 6-7 (sportsline?) where that Cork official was being interviewed and a guy from Wexford came on saying that soccer was definitely having an impact on the GAA in Wexford. And he was very much in favour of opening Corke Park. Maybe someone has the link for this?

So Mid-Louth is the opening of Croke Park going to change the situtation in Wexford, i doubt it. Surley this is an issue for the G.A.A in Wexford and other parts of the country affected to find out why kids are playing soccer instead of playing G.A.A. The G.A.A have no divine right to these kids and if thay target them in the way soccer has targeted them,that would be a start.I see there is some builder looking for a Wexford team in the Eircom league,has the G.A.A devised something to counteract this...i doubt it.But keeping croker closed wont stop the kids playing soccer.

An Gaeilgoir, you make the typical arguement that everything in Ireland should be streamline, no identity. Sure lets all forget everything that got us where we are and swing the gates open of every ground.

Here we go again,this debate is about Croke park only,so why drag this chestnut up again...for the record there are a lot of clubs who share pitches and facilities around the country.As i said earlier the insecurity of the G.A.A, your comment about our identity been lost...the G.A.A will never lose its identity in this country lets get real...and not one person on here who agrees with opening Croke park has mentioned forgetting everything,what ever it is...most likely the struggle against the English....
Mid Louth these are the same old arguments been trotted out and it makes the G.A.A look like it is stuck in the sixties with the catholic church. Ireland has changed,not always for the best,but if the G.A.A doesnt change with it,we will end up like the catholic church.
I wonder why as a GAA "Family" why are we so insecure about our games and the position they hold in the Irish psyche. I am a gaa player and follower,but i also play soccer as well and for one i am proud that our stadium will be hosting these games. For anyone to say that soccer and rugby are going to take over becuase we allow a couple of games in Croke park is utter shit. I am excited to see these games been broadcast around the world and as a sporting organisation we should stand up and say this is part of who we are and we are proud of it. As for Grennan he is stuck in the dark ages, i dont look on soccer or rugby as "garrison" games thay are just games and people will make up their minds what they want to play. This debate reminds me of the time when Sky arrived on our televisions,it would be the end of R.T.E and our Irish identity some people claimed,but nothing has changed. It seems that there are factions of the G.A.A especially traditional republicans who like the church do not want change as their own power base will be undermined and there might not be as many trips to Dubai and Australia. Long live croker as the greatest stadium in these isles and lets be proud of it and show it off to the world. Politically and culturally this country is changing at a rapid pace and if we are still stuck in the dark ages with our thinking well then we will have reason to be afraid of soccer and rugby "taking over". This is a proud and confident Ireland we live in now and the old shit about dark outside forces taking over the poor auld G.A.A is only suiting vested interests who want to keep the status quo to suit themselves.
GAA Discussion / The Scoring Goal.
January 21, 2007, 09:02:41 PM
I was at the F.B.D match today and two men there were talking about Roscommon playing in to the "scoring goal " in the second half. I go to quite a few matches of different grades and every pitch seems to have one of these goals. My own club has the"college goal" and Castlebar has the "Bacon Factory end". Both of these pitches are quite level so my question is what makes a "scoring goal"?
I was at the game as well, I was at the game as well. I thought the Billy Joe was quite good at C.H.B, Aidan Higgins was steady, Mc Caffrey looked out of his depth a little,Peadar Gardiner was also full of running, midfield was poor for streches of the game..more work to be done there. In the forwards Trevor Mortimor and Austin Omalley were full of running and always looking to get involved in the play.Mickie Mullins from Claremorris was also inventive when he came on as a sub. But one player who out shone everyone else was Aidan  Campbell from Swinford.A lot of work still to do for both managers before the league starts.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tall Dark and O hAilpin
January 18, 2007, 11:02:31 PM
They seem like nice lads,very driven in their sport and fair play to them. Just one question there doesnt seem to be any mention of their father at all.....
Really, well this will focus the minds and seeing that most of the squad are just back from a cruise...its really not that much of a suprise is it.
Any word from Sligo yet? ???
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Hard men (all counties)
January 17, 2007, 03:57:27 PM
Peter Forde,Jimmy Browne and John Finn from Mayo were hardy men and before that my father reckons that the late John Morley( i hope i got his first name right) was as hard as he saw in forty years of Mayo football.
Longford / Re: Longford Football (& Hurling) Thread
January 15, 2007, 09:13:26 PM
Is big Niall Sheridan back on the squad?