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Messages - bloody mary

Sorry to completely burst your bubble but I am not from anywhere near Cork!! I am more interested in complaining about the standard of refereeing recently, see previous posts here. I took issue with Brian Crowe getting praise, he had no idea, the only good thing was that this week he didn't affect the result, unlike Derry-Dublin and Tyrone-Meath. Here's another angle on my theories... refs are trying to counter the Ulster way of football. Look at the ridiculous frees given to Meath for points when Tyrone's blanket defence surrounded a forward but definitely didn't foul him, and indeed Derry not getting a free against the Dubs for like 3 days.
Maguire01 your post above puzzles me. Where you at the game? Crowe was awful to Cork and made some crazy decisions. He was too far away and then gesticulated wildly while rushing up to the scene of the supposed crime. Hadn't a clue. There was a Meath sub who thumped all round him and got a tick when he should have got at least one yellow. I could go on... by the way, did anyone else see Brian Farrell swing a punch in the melee following the Geraghty incident with O'Leary. he missed (in keeping with his day) but the intent was very clear. From that whole melee Crowe pulled in 3 Cork players, none from Meath. I rest my case!
Crowe kept Meath in the game. He gave them soft frees, like the one 5 mins before half-time for a point that got them back in the game. How the heck did he see a push when he was out the pitch and too unfit to get up with play? He also gave ticks when they were obvious yellow cards, like twice when Cork players would have been through on goal. That's the problem with this bloody tick system. It means nothing and lets refs chicken out. A tick means absolutely nothing, a total cop-out. No wonder they have less players sent off this year, it doesn't mean the system is working, just that it doesn't allow for players to be sent off. That then allows teams to work the system, ie, managers tell players to foul away until they get tick-yellow-tick and then sub them for someone who does the same again!

It's the 3rd week in-a-row games have been at least party ruined by this (which is why we are debating it). Meath-Tyrone, Derry-Dublin and now Meath-Cork.
GAA Discussion / Re: new order in Ulster
August 15, 2007, 03:11:41 PM
I think JQ is saying here that Monaghan and Derry haven't quite done enough yet to merit a rating above Armagh...

1 Tyrone
2 Armagh
3 Monaghan
4 Derry
5 Donegal
6 Down
7 Fermanagh
8 Antrim
9 Cavan

This is the link -
GAA Discussion / Re: UTV & BBC
August 03, 2007, 12:50:21 PM
Name me one gaa fan in the corridors of power in either bbc or utv?
while we're at it, name me the bbc sports boss and which part of ballymena he is from..
it's the stephen watson show there, sure he does whatever he wants and that's never gaelic
as the first post here stated, the bbc news on monday was all from the kids soccer tournament and then a quick report on the gaelic
remember watson in january declaring that ricey would get 3 months for being sent off in the dublin game under lights?
GAA Discussion / Re: Joe Kernan Resigns
July 19, 2007, 12:03:11 PM
interesting points by paddypastit about the national media. the story was on bbc at 8 last night but not on rte website until 8 this morning. they were more interested in mulvihill quitting. as for joe, well, one armagh fan said 'about time'. they weren't happy about being slagged off by joe after ballybofey, then there's the increasing number of people he fell out with when they dared question or cross him, and of course the least publicised but biggest error of all - taking off Geezer in the All Ire semi against tyrone... harte would have been hung for that
General discussion / Re: The BBC should be ashamed
June 15, 2007, 01:33:56 PM
done, I wouldn't want to ruin a tribute to the great man even if one person thought that. I'll leave the comment on here though I wouldn't describe this as 'sectarian slanging'. It doesn't need to be that.

By the way forget the O'Reilly bit, it obviously isn't relevant if the people calling the shots have the attitudes and policies they do.
General discussion / Re: The BBC should be ashamed
June 15, 2007, 01:22:24 PM
And why should that practice/policy apply to the GAA but not to something like the Irish League? it certainly does not appeal to the vast majority of the population, going by attendances. I hear what you are saying but it just doesn't bare up and sounds like a lame excuse.
General discussion / Re: The BBC should be ashamed
June 15, 2007, 12:54:00 PM
UTV Sport last night had a report from the Coleman funeral

BBC Sport led their bulletin with Lawrie Sanchez at a school in Ballymena

the whole debate here is the usual stuff but here's the bottom line.... the BBC has too many people making decisions who don't understand or respect the GAA. Therefore, they consistently insult GAA people at times like this and try to hide behind other coverage as an excuse when they get criticised. That's not the point. The GAA is as entitled as any other sport to coverage, but it's the treatment of it that is often the problem (see above example). It's a similar thing with the Telegraph, they give GAA coverage alright, inside the paper and badly written, but they steadfastly refuse to treat it as a major sport. Not one of you can tell me when the Telegraph has ever had GAA as it's lead story on the back page. If they really respected GAA they would have good GAA reporters churning out good stories, but they don't.   
GAA Discussion / buck eejits
June 11, 2007, 12:20:02 PM
there are some clampits around the country in charge of gaelic teams, you know the type, they let themselves down so much it's embarrassing

this week's prize goes to the coach of Carryduff ladies for a virtuoso performance in Cherryvale at the weekend. This fella is well known for his foghorn voice and for yelling right through every game, and he didn't disappoint. the crowd of about 100 spread around the ground had no choice but to listen to his rantings throughout

but it wasn't just his loud voice, it was the tone. first, he lambasted a linesman for giving a line ball that was correct to everyone except him, even though he was behind the play.

soon after, he berated some poor supporter who dared make a comment. 'you shut your mouth'. Lovely, and ironic given that everyone had to listen to him.

later, he yelled from half-way up the pitch for a square ball decision. When supporters laughed, he waved his hands in the air and shouted something about 'friggin ......... '

I actually felt sorry for his own team and club but then again they obviously let him away with it
nothing to do with money, they just won't do it, besides they have money from losing the ni soccer deal
GAA Discussion / Tyrone Donegal not Live on BBC
June 10, 2007, 05:19:32 PM
the papers reported last week that the Tyrone game would be live on bbc but now it's not. Are they not doing any of the semis? I know its on rte but why are the bbc so indifferent? rte get all the stick but bbc should be grabbing the chance to do it live. Didn't they do semis live last year?
GAA Discussion / 2 goals, no points
May 14, 2007, 05:55:58 PM
When was the last time a team scored 2 goals before they scored any points in a championship match as Down did in breffni. Maybe Donegal in 99 at home to Armagh, John Duffy hittin the net and benny tierney calling for a taxi to get him outta there.
GAA Discussion / bbc on first
May 09, 2007, 07:00:56 PM
I see the championship programme is on this sunday at 9 o'clock on bbc2. it was always on around 10 I think.