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Messages - winghalfun

QuoteIve said it on this board before and Ill say it again. It is only a matter of time before a couple of these misguided lunatics achieve 'the big one': a multiple fatality hit

That doesn't make sense.

If any of these "misguided lunatics", which I agree they are, wanted to achieve multiple fatalities they wouldn't have phoned in a warning.

Are you saying that the dissidents hope the warnings won't be acted on or acted on quickly enough?

If the objective was multiple fatalities then surely no warnings would be given.

Bit dramatic there Downfanatic.
Deleted my account ages ago when a 'friend' posted a picture of what she was having for supper. (Wasn't even anything special - a peanut butter sandwich or something.)

Never went back after that although I did look at an account that was accidentally left open and things had not changed.

Decided then that the inane outweighed the sane.

Having said all that, it is a superb piece of kit for communicating events.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
December 21, 2011, 05:05:57 PM
Eoghan Quigg
General discussion / Re: Things you never see anymore.
November 09, 2011, 12:21:05 PM
My feet when I look down  :(
I could be as far out as Wicklow Head on this one but there seemed to be an abject demeanour to Martin McHugh in the pre game analysis on the BBC.
I know that he tipped Dublin to win which showed that his head did not rule his heart.

But there appeared to be more to this than simply using a judgement based on the gathering of facts and the rationale of probability.
He appeared very uncomfortable in even wanting to suggest that Donegal could win.

I am no psychologist but given his close connection to the Donegal team, it was as if he knew something that we didn't and it made him uneasy.
Maybe it will be left unsaid or maybe someone will break ranks, but reading between the lines I think Martin's message was that some or all the players would have liked the shackles to have been loosened a little so that they could play a bit of football.

As I said just a hunch.
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone - Is this the end?
August 16, 2011, 11:42:34 AM
QuoteI think it's a refreshing article and typical of the high standards of the Sunday Times when it comes to GAA.

Maybe a reflection on the players rather than the paper. Would they be as open and honest with some of our local reporters if they knew their candour was for the readers of the Tyrone Times, Dungannon Observor or Ulster Herald? I doubt it.

It is undoubtedly though a very interesting, intelligent article.
General discussion / Re: Where do you get your news?
August 04, 2011, 02:50:03 PM
The next door neighbour.
General discussion / Re: A.P or G Mac ?
July 18, 2011, 11:47:12 AM
Didn't see that coming. Darren now 8/13 with Hills and Rory back out to 13/8. Shit, he wasn't even coming up on the rails, he clean jumped out of the sky.

Very interesting though that the betting is now a popularity contest as both golfers' achievements were outstanding in their own right.

It's a bit like Rocky 5 when Rocky has to smack down the young cocky pretender. Ah, well glad it was Darren I lost out to and not that Murray prat.
General discussion / Re: A.P or G Mac ?
June 21, 2011, 11:32:58 AM
Rory McElroy is 4/5 to win. Still not a bad price at this stage. Worth a few £100 to help pay for Christmas. Think he was around 25/1 before the weekend.
GAA Discussion / Re: Mark Sidebottom
June 06, 2011, 12:42:10 PM
Even my wife (who has no interest in football and was reading a newspaper) picked up her ears when she heard him refer to a certain player as "Mr. here, he's there, he's everywhere Dooher".

Apolgies if this has been previously discussed. But Paul Costello certainly nailed his colours well and truly to the mast in this recent Late Late appearance.

Unfortunately the bit were he talked about the Queen going to Croke Park is not included in the clip but even Ryan Turbity couldn't believe what he was hearing and had to pull him on the significance.

GAA Discussion / Re: RIP Michaela McAreavey
January 18, 2011, 12:56:30 PM
"The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit"Psalm 34:18
General discussion / Re: Clerical abuse!
November 27, 2009, 11:57:23 AM
Excuse my igorance but there is one thing that confuses me very much.
Why can't these animals (those that are still alive) be prosecuted with the full rigour of the the law?
Don't get a chance to come on the board as much now but I had to laugh at this thread after calling in home yesterday for a wee afternoon cuppa.
Countdown was starting and my mum and 8 year old nephew were watching it (as they do most days).
She says "at least her skirt is a bit longer today".
Cue, cute 8 year old smirk from my nephew. (It was obviously a talking point the day before)

I don't think she follows this board somehow.
"Seems the Antrim problem was a weak branch manager who should have told the bigots where to go. "

EG you seem to have left that line out when selectively quoting me.

No way was I inferring that because there was a "rangers" in the collectors name that somehow this organisation should be seen as a  mono ethnic sporting group.

Jesus, all I was pointing out was that a sporting organisation (who happen to be Enniskillen Rangers) were collecting for their soccer club and that there was no problem with this.

I would never object to them collecting with their crest on show and I would expect and hope that others would not have a problem with this either.  
I don't need you to tell me how I should perceive this very worthwhile and non sectarian club.

By the same token, I would expect and hope that this acceptance would be reciprocated for all sporting bodies who are also worthwhile and non sectarian.
Sadly in Antrim this has not been the case and a weak branch manager has assisted in helping bigots win.

I know you will deny it, but I do think that in your own wee subliminal way you are trying to make a clear distinction between Enniskillen Rangers and St Comgalls.