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Messages - Roger

"This thread has definately got the attention of the OWC too, I see blast from the past Roger is back."


I usually check in on this board from time to time. Don't post though. I was only on to post about a tits and a pussy.  Couldn't resist.

Thanks for the welcome mind.
1. Curiosity killed the cat.
2. Not enough room to swing a cat
3. Look at what the cat dragged in

Quote from: his holiness nb on November 14, 2007, 05:51:24 PM
In fairness to "roger" he did reply to me, by pm for some reason.
I'm confused as he just addressed the points I made, was wondering why he wouldnt want anyone else to see his views, oh well.
I just didn't want to get into a time consuming discussion on a board for games I have no interest in with people who have little / no interest in football. I only came on in the first place to address a misrepresentation of my views which someone had drawn to my attention. 

As you asked questions to me in a civil manner I felt you were at least owed the courtesy of a response without bringing everyone on the board into time consuming nitpicking and full on debate. Using PM avoided all that.

I won't be posting again on here, but I may drop by from time to time to watch how your debate is going.  It can be amusing sometimes especially wee gems like this.....

Quote from: T Fearon on November 14, 2007, 01:05:28 PM
If Roger is the same Roger (aka bitter bastard) on OWC, then he is a nasty piece of work.

Quote from: T Fearon on November 15, 2007, 11:11:45 AM
I have no issue whatsoever with any North of Ireland supporter or player. My criticism is reserved for the IFA at all times

I have never met that guy Fearon and don't know him at all but a quick skim through the threads here and it is clear he is a great comedian and not to be taken seriously.

All the best,

Quote from: SammyG on November 14, 2007, 11:58:30 AM
How do you manage to translate that into all Nationalists are bigots?
F**k knows  >:(  I was daft enough to register here to defend myself against that sort of daftness.  Must have been mad.  Oh well, it's been a gas lads. Bye
Quote from: his holiness nb on November 14, 2007, 11:56:29 AM
Perfectly clear Roger, you say you shouldnt let bigots determine that your anthem be changed.
Nifan wants the anthem changed, but you wont call him a bigot.
I don't think our National Anthem should be changed at the behest of bigots. 
Nifan is not a bigot from what I can see but wants to change it which is fair enough and a discussion in an appropriate forum is fine even if I am coming from a different viewpoint at this time. 
Quote from: his holiness nb on November 14, 2007, 11:53:27 AM
ie. you are on the wrong side Nifan, you would need to be a catholic or ROI fan to to labelled a bigot by Roger  ;)
Not sure what that means but assume some humour is intended?
Quote from: Jim_Murphy_74 on November 14, 2007, 11:46:55 AM
Quote from: Roger on November 14, 2007, 11:31:25 AM
The trend is more than coincidental in my opinion and in NI that would stand any equality analysis and would be declared sectarian.

More than coincidental?? so the "policy" is now actually a "trend".  The fact is that anedoctally more catholics than protestant are tapped up (with of course the slight elephant in the room that some candidates are more likely to be receptive tha others) and we now have a sectarian policy.


Jim, name one Protestant that has been approached.  The FAI is notionally interested in selecting any player from Northern Ireland but in actuality only target RCs or Nationalists. In NI that would be considered a sectarian approach.
Jim, you posted my quote verbatim but your post or opinions were inaccurate and out of context.
Quote from: nifan on November 14, 2007, 11:25:40 AM
mopery is the "RCs and nationalists are never bigots" comment.
where do you get that from - do you think most rational people, including "rcs and nationalists" actually believe that?
Read it again I don't feel in any way oppressed. My remark was flippant not MOPE-ant but I still don't see bigotted/sectarian attitudes of RCs' or Nationalists' ever being an issue for long and certainly not enough to warrant being the driving force for change within NI football.

Quotewhich RC's/Nationalists?
The ones that use out-dated and inaccurate arguments about NI supporters and the IFA to simply NI-bash.

Quote"As do i.
Changing the anthem to a NI anther for an NI team, containing people who want to play for NI but dont consider GSTQ their anthem however is a different matter. I want the anthem changed and am neither a bigot or a mercenary."
I never said you were. However that is a discussion to be had in a more appropriate forum and for the correct motivation.  Most comment was not made in the context and driven by the motivation that you refer to.
Rubbish! You wrote "But he did quite clearly call the ROI sectarian." 

I did not say the ROI, Nationalists or RCs are sectarian.  I said that the FAI recruitment policy in NI is sectarian as it targets RCs/Nationalists only.  Name one Protestant or Unionist that has been targeted?  Then name the list of RC's / nationalists that have been targeted. The trend is more than coincidental in my opinion and in NI that would stand any equality analysis and would be declared sectarian.
his_holiness_nb, no I didn't.  I said they are approaching players on a sectarian basis.  They most certainly are not approaching players from across all sections of the community in NI therefore it is sectarian.  The IFA selects players on an equal and non-sectarian basis.  Fact.

nifan, fair enough about ranting if that's what you feel but I take issue with the MOPERY comment.  I don't feel oppressed by this at all but I do think that changing the National Anthem at the behest of a few bigots or mercenary players is the wrong thing to do.  I don't think exposing bigoted attitudes from RC's/Nationalists is a strong enough reason to move Northern Ireland forward, as exposing bigotry from that quarter is a five minute wonder imho with no long term benefit therefore why change something for the sole reason to shut up a few yaps? Look at my post again and you will see that my opinion is more positive as in my view the best way to beat this ridiculous situation is for the NI team to be better than the ROI team.  That being the case all the people from NI will be happy to play for NI.  I fail to see how that can be considered MOPERY.

Jim_Murphy_74, your post is totally inaccurate and out of context.